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Daria, Chapter three: family collapsing/apocalypse "final chapter"


Artwork by: Elmaghreabi

Chapter three: family collapsing/apocalypse


As Mr. Ian invited Daria to volunteer again into house functions, Daria came according to his demand and after he spoke about his genuine intentions towards her and clarified this misunderstanding between them.


He was goggling at Daria meanwhile

Daria, chapter two: between ownership and obsession


Daria came back home feeling awkward after just visiting this rich family at their fancy place, she couldn’t stop thinking about exploiting their wealth in her own favor, so she decided to work there regularly… besides helping his girl in studying as claimed.


She texted Aria and negotiated her about this subject, she wanted a week of training so they can just verify her abilities and confirm her skills and the quality she emits… Aria asked her a short duration she can consult her father all about it

And then she will hit her up…


Daria, Chapter one: Back to December


Chapter one: back to December


“Remember that voids dwelling you, will never possibly fade away, they will keep consuming you till no end”


Winter is her favorite season, when the climate is cold, cold enough to cool down her chest burns, her darkest thoughts, as well as her fingertips…




He reminds me of the autumn 

Whereas the leaves shrink and fall down onto a dusty floor

Insinuating that bad days are almost finishing and there's a new beginning awaiting us 

Whereas the boy writes a sad poem for his passed away dad

Parking his bike behind the tree he's sitting a head of 

And whereas a dog that barked from loneliness has come to check on that sad boy , hence licks his tears and washes away his sadness for a moment... for a moment it became a permanent companion.

The farmhouse road


Sometimes curiosity isn't majorly a portal that evilness accesses our lives through

Sometimes evilness takes us as preys to feed on and forces us not to fight back due to lacking powers compared to it, but the only power that dwells us inside right against its influence is "faith".

The last case I worked on was declined just because of the authority some people have over the law, they never will to be exposed neither in front of themselves nor others

dreams and psychotherapy


Previously I talked about how significant it is to record a dream and how possible it is to get rid of seeing nightmares right after the phase of recording dreams and giving them care as much as you do for other things around you.

The narcissist and the pitiful


It ended with remorse...
As if I was born accustomed to agony...

Hereby I'm sitting amongst the prisoners, who were accused of murdering, robbing and harrassing...

Gazing long at their tattooed shoulders and long dirty nails that look like animals claws, even animal claws are way better than this disgusting sight!



It's home;

It's where we start a fight, bake a cake,
Forget the laundry hung for days,
It's where we paint, write texts and sometimes work

My depression journey


Before I decide visiting my psychiatrist
I've been hearing sentences like "you need an urgent help", "your texts are so melancholic", "why are you locking yourself up in your room", "please tidy your bed", "you're being too lazy lately", last but not least, I became more weary and my abilities decreased
I had troubles studying, focusing on my objectives and exploiting my skills, I've been exerting too much and recieving so little, I was brutally poisoned throughout many phases of my life and I was totally neglecting my agony for years, the reason why I suffered physical pain, likewise, psychological ...

How to stop seeing nightmares


Simply lucid dreaming plays a role here
But before I get to its role I'd love to define it as : the dream in which person can control the events and be conscious enough that this is not real.

It leads only to your door


They were together, they couldn't once imagine that they may split at a point

And as they just walked into that abandoned house to have some kind of thrills whereas they eat the noodles they chose the only room that still has lights on



and while i was googling about feminism movement in 20th century

 i found that women are sometimes the main enemy of themselves 

Borderline diary

Hello, your favorite borderline has come again 

It's been a tough time 

Full of mood swings and yet still

Full of fights with everyone 

The clown


The clock ticked ten.

 And the kid whose age ranges among 7-10 was swaying weary in front of the bed till he fell upon,

 grabbing the cover, 

my personality 2


Her hair looked so messy and so beautiful that way, she takes her tablets often after lunch,

She's pouring herself a mug of hot chocolate, drinking it softly,

 pointing her wide brown eyes at her ginger cat, hearing his purrs and cuddling his face,

 texting a little, writing a lot,

“Time, blood, fear, guilt”


There were two young ladies walking through a particular asylum corridor, vividly, looking forward to make researches on numerous of syndromes and mental disorders associated to their own fields, one was a writer, the other was a psychiatrist. The writer, witnessed an existence of a patient standing steady behind their backs, so she felt unrelieved for a bit, then continued what she was discussing with her friend, they kept informing each other with things they both inquired about, until they reached

The massacre


The massacre

I’ve been waiting so long to see “blood moon” great astronomical phenomenal happens in front of my eyes, like today, watching it clearly out of the window, shooting pictures of it, and for no reason I felt like weird events may occur in just minutes. I don’t know if it was my power or moon’s power; quite several hours passed safely before our organization get cursed by unrecognizable identities,

The chase


The chase

“You have no obligations towards people who command you to do what they want you to do, not what you entirely desire.”

Time was running out; they were getting me ready to an unacceptable wedding party, taking me to a mall, buying me a dress like if I were their doll, a doll has no single right to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’…

The secrets behind the woods


“If you ever encountered a great supernatural power, you couldn’t once imagine that it would belong to you, would you lose to that maniac?”

A kid asked, while I was drinking a cup of tea, sitting quite short time before going back to work, it was almost 11 PM and the residual coworkers left 2 hours ago, no one remained but me and this lost kid, who kept inquiring for too long.

“If you ever encou…”

The ghost


I'm waiting in this stream of pathways, where multiples paths come and goes, shining lights like a metro in the middle of night crossing all the stations, connecting all paths...

I keep waiting for that different light i once saw..

The dark island

My boat finally settled on a shore of an island, it was all misty and the dolls were thrown aside of the trash, looked like it's no longer a resort to relax at, I sensed a melancholic atmosphere and I had no clue how can I get back or where should I head.

Goals for the future

I've been always interested into puzzle games

played an uncountable number of them

met different cores and different mechanisms of running these games

have been seeing too much creativity put into some graphics, plots and puzzles themselves

My personality


my personality?

What is love?


What is love?

Love is dopamine and serotonin working most when you are with that right person...

Love is home, as it represents comfort and warmth

represents that husband when he buys you your favorite snacks 

When he listens to your bullshit everyday without murmuring 

And when he shares a secret with you...

When he

Stranger things plot theory


Stranger things plot theory

What if the upside down world in "stranger things" TV show was created by supernatural powers possessed by El or another gifted person? 

The Jewish among us

 Good morning

Coincidentally I watched a video on fb while I was scrolling down 

That made me overthink and stay up late without a doubt gathering facts and consuming my energy as usual

To write such a post discussing the difference between the Jewish people and their right to live in peace among us and how to

The ring with the red lens

The ring with the red lens

A sunny day during the winter is a very indeed timing to take some students out on a cultural journey;

boarding school girls who dwell a dungeon once was mentioned as a palace, but remember that the palace they may visualize is not necessarily one, and sometimes you should follow your guts and take an act according to that.

Reincartaned Leo


Nothing lures me more than the sight of the ocean at night,

Whereas the moon is right pulled up onto the horizon,


Ready to show up as a discreet company for whom wants to share a secret,

To warn you sometimes of a becoming danger...

Reincarnated Leo

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Special thanks to:

Amine Touami and Neveen Abbas, for their constant support. I appreciate your presence, thank you for making me happy by reading my content. I hope you always enjoy it. You are my top fans now, my website's favorite visitors, here's a glimpse of how I represent my dreams and all my fiction in just words. I'm here to take you on tours, you've put your seat belts, and wandered a lot with me, so let's keep going.

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Abandoned house Abandonement addiction anxiety apocalypse articles assaults asthma asylums auditory autopsy autumn ava band beatrice birthday blood boarding schools borderline Britian business trip butcher candles captives car accident cats cemetary changing cheating Clocks clowns collaborations community corpse countrysides courage cozy crime scenes crops Daria dark secrets daughter death democracy depression depression survivor despair disappointments diviners doctor doomsday dr.miller drama dreamers dreaming awake Dreams drugs electricity England entities escape Evangelicalism fall family family issues fancy farmhouse father fear fields Fire flight forests freedom friendship game designing Germany ghosts girls guilt hallucinations harbors holocaust home homeless hope horror stories hospitals husband ignorant inspiring stories instruments islands isolation Israel jacqueline Jerusalem Jews journalism Judaism jugglers junkies long distance relationship love lucid dreams lunatic j. mafia maids man marital issues marriage massacre meditations memories men mental issues merchants messianic Judaism metronome misery monsters moon morgue Movie analysis murders music mystery narcissism NASA nationalism nazism new life newness nicolas cage night sky nightmares nostalgia notebook ocean oil lamps old lady Palestine paris passion patrick pen-friend personal project personality pharmacy philosophy phobias piano politics pool potions poverty Psychology psycopaths ptsd rains rape rapists ravens reincarnation Religion researcher revive rich rita Romance sailing schizophrenia scholarships school journey schools sci-fi sea serial killers sexual abuse shadows ships shores short stories singing slums smoking smuggling social matters social services sounds stranger things students subconsciousness suffrage supernatural powers surviving teachers technology teenagers temples terrorism texts the potion the ring therapy thrilling time trafficking trains transportation trauma traveling turning table syndrome tv shows Uber Vehicle villages violence visions visuals Voloport voting wealth wife Winter witches woman women women rights work Writing