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Reincartaned Leo


Nothing lures me more than the sight of the ocean at night,

Whereas the moon is right pulled up onto the horizon,


Ready to show up as a discreet company for whom wants to share a secret,

To warn you sometimes of a becoming danger...

Reincarnated Leo

before you start reading the story I imported a video that quite inspired me during writing, it may help you feel the same vibes, enjoy and tell me your feedback later...

- MZ

Nothing lures me more than the sight of the ocean at night,

Whereas the moon is right pulled up onto the horizon,


Ready to show up as a discreet company for whom wants to share a secret,

To warn you sometimes of a becoming danger,

By hiding itself behind the clouds, even the stars are not ready to witness your tragedy...


All the poets except me exclude their vigor out of these melancholic nights,

Nothing insinuates a loud event than this silence...

My guts were telling me to leave before something bad occurs...


I went to take my siblings, the twins, but my parents refused to leave at that moment claiming that this is a way of salvation they craved for quite a period

A moment of calmness, hence eventually I couldn’t convince them, my evident wasn’t so persuasive, likewise, not visible...


It was totally charming, a lovely cold breeze was relaxing our igniting spirits, taking away the heat and placing a new clean base, the waves were paradoxical, once angry and dreadful and once dreary...

Therefore, my parents couldn’t sense anything beyond...

It’s just me, listening to a violin playing in the background, urgently telling me to leave, the rhythms are loud and rapid, spreading into the climate, blending with my fears, putting me in a mode that pushes me from the top.


I demanded again, speaking about another reason to leave, ended up telling them that I’m having a task to finish, when they all rejected due to selfishness they labelled me a lord of, just because I told them that I want to leave due to boredom, in that case everyone didn’t believe me...

It appeared as fake excuse,

They even reminded me how bad person I recently became,

A reason why I left them all running scenarios on my mind which made me more hateful towards them...


“let the waves devour them” I said, just a moment before I look back, while my heart starts having palpitations and I see everyone smiling and having fun without me,


Just until the tides required no previous alarm and started flooding everything,

Including the stones on the shore, the cliff that we were sitting over before we run to the car, and before everyone drowns deeply without resistance according to the powerful move.


My feet, couldn’t carry me there, neither my fear, every trembling organ couldn’t do me a favor but taking me home in a shock,

All the good prayers I once repeated weren’t accepted and only one bad wish I had when I was angry was accepted.


I recognized that I dismissed some tips in this case, such as calling an ambulance or the police, desperately...


Indeed, they came in hurry, rushing the team to take my family members out of the water, all dead, the two girls, my mom, my dad, while the dim ambient light emitting from the cars was flashing on my face,

telling sorry with frustrating tone, barely telling me that there’s still hope hiding behind the curtains of the darkness, telling me to keep looking for them,

in me, for a better version of me as well, maybe they’re just here somewhere, a missionary to wander my brain, a task to be accomplished, is to figure out their spots, whether into another person or even in my actual home...


“They’re not dead” I said, with sparkling eye, dropping tears while my heart shatters into pieces, spectating their flesh carried onto logs...


I filled any kind of document they required from me and went home, seeing their ghosts surrounding me, I made a cup of tea and stayed in the balcony while seeing my two sisters playing in front of the sink before they take a bath,


Smelling the scent of the bread that my mom bakes every cold night,


Watching fragments of memories when my dad was chanting for his favorite soccer team and when he was shaving in his desk, with stubbornness, just because my mom told him not to do...


I sobbed, so was the sky...


I took my coat, wore it like I wore misery, and ran outside, looking for them...


Asking passengers...


Careless to be called crazy


I just need to see them, I need a light, a sign of their presence, of their forgiveness...


Isn’t it normal to argue with your family!

Isn’t it always normal to have a clash with any possible mortal!

Why to be blamed!

I was hurt severally but never carried grudge, because I know how fool are people...


Despite this I couldn’t go to their graveyard,

I couldn’t stop looking for them, and accepting the fact that they’re here somewhere


Infinitely walking through streets lacking appetite...

Till I fainted...


I woke up next day in a hospital, pinning a cannula in my wrest, my eyesight is blurry but I can see more than a silhouette wrapping around my bed, clarifying their features gradually,

“Mom, dad, where were you?” said with fragility.

I fully opened my eyes and found out that they’re just nurses, serving me with pity...


In hours I could leave, and I went to school instead of spending the leisure time in torturing...


I could exploit being in an art school and I expressed what I think out, portrayed my fears, represented my sore into strikes, and curves, and the colors were perfectly interacting with me...


Orbiting in the circulation of the sketching board,

Everyone in the operating chamber,

Using me as a source of inspiration...


The teacher praised me and condoled me, she bowed next to my ears, and whispered that my boyfriend and my classmate likewise left the school and transmitted to another, telling me his condolences...

I just wondered how could he leave without notifying, without saying goodbye in a better way...

I texted him, he responded immediately, I felt cheerful, and gave him many reasons to disappear like this, expecting a good response,

But it was a farewell...


In a very good timing I needed a hand in...


I left the class, it was night, again, melancholic, dark enough like my intentions,

I walked over the bridge, where we used to hold hands,

I adapted to pain but not till this limit actually...




No purpose of being in a cruel world like this...

Time to end this misery...

I felt floating on the edge of the fence, swaying,

Till the wind carried me to the floor...


Couldn’t feel anything anymore, and that what I prefer more than feeling pain everyday...

I remembered how shameful were my deeds...

And how blindfolded were I am...


Before I just die...

How I treated my boyfriend with no tolerance or tenderness, acting always as a receiver not a giver, till I drained his batteries...


How I treated my parents with total neglect while they were exerting efforts to please me...


I made everyone feels useless...


Now I value everyone gone...


I waited the moment I would wake up in another body, finally to correct my mistakes...


I woke up in another body, similar features, but different height and different hobbies, a room full of musical instruments, pills... and the curtains are dusty referring to no daily cleaning or even sun entrance...


Everything seems familiar... feels like a dijavu


I checked my phone, I improvised the password and surprisingly it opened,

There was a note drifted, she was committing suicide as well, and she wrote for herself...


I ignored because it was only three words “it’s the clock”

I don’t know if this is a hint of the tense or otherwise...

I took the pills off, threw them in their box...

And checked the outside,

Behind the door slap, hiding in a corner...


The mother is cooking,

The black adopted twins are arguing about the outfit...


The father dressed up for work and leaving...

I was afraid of going out, it was weird being among strangers...


I gathered with them on the table and showed gratitude for the mom while she was presenting food...


I braided my siblings’ hair seeing my mom smiling behind the kitchen counter...

She grabbed a cocoa jar and prepared a milkshake, favorite of mine...


I left to school...

Carrying a violin... and my mate was looking at me... seems like the guy who admires her in silence...


She looked less hot than me but somehow she looks unique, decent, her clothes are long sleeved because of her bruises caused by school bully and her voice is beautiful but hidden from the community, I did a favor and sang while playing, everyone stopped playing and the teacher started listening, asking me just to lower my pace, and started smiling, allowing me to continue...



I finished and everyone clapped, so the teacher was

And by the end of the class he invited me to perform in the international concert,

There was no nomination of the school students except me

So they considered me an honor, a representative of their name...


While I was packing the books into my bag the guy who wished to date her came to ask finally, and I accepted...


Days passed and I brought honor to the school, became an influencer, and volunteered with my mom in an elder house, we graduated from music school and the guy proposed to me...

All of these events took place, just to remind me that this is not my life... but I could fit with my skills and make it a better one...


I asked for an extra one day, before I sleep...

And I woke up in the same body, but everything was dark...

I heard her parents arguing, the father was abusing the mom and the siblings hided in the bathroom...


I could peek from the door hole to see them climbing the sewer pipe and escaping from the window...


Maybe they’re going back to the orphanage but I need to check on them...

At the same time the pairs were almost killing each other due to treason


I gave a priority for the girls and chased them without the parent notice...


I kept running after them till I reached a village, where impostors are dwelling and where my actual parents were buried in...


The girls coincidentally went there, there were kids dancing and turning on music nearby the cemetery, it was a very awkward action, I advocated them to stop, and the siblings halted to find me behind...


I informed the kids that it’s not an appropriate place to dance but they all told me that it really is...

It’s their new home!!!


The little girls looked at me, I tried to grab their hands but they initiated to vanish, their appearance went transparent,


I ran away to home, finding the father slaying the mom’s neck and pinning her into the wall, adding wooden logs onto the gap, leaving, bloody handed I checked the mom again but she was dead already...


It sounded like a dream I wouldn’t wish to try living into it, It’s like a theatre, and the audiences will clap any close moment...


But it was real, and touched, the yellow small lamps were fluctuating in the reception, all their shadows were reappearing and vanishing in a pattern...


I found out that the father raped one of the adopted twins when he was drunk, that’s why the girls left, not only this, but he took photos of her private parts without showing the identity and the mother involved this thinking it’s a cheat but not in the house, or she would kill him instead...


It was the judge day...


Everyone literally died even the girls, he chased them before they report him and ran away...


My chest was full of hate, I followed his trace before he gets so distanced from me...

I recorded a video of the crime scene... and I found the girls in the basement...


I followed him by the blood drops falling from his clothes and his hands, and I showed his face on the screen while the live video was getting high views,


And people already started reporting, my location was available to them... giving them the opportunity to track his steps...


He tried to attack me before I yell, the people in the nearby markets came with their equipment and trapped him on the floor, tied him with a thorny rope till the policemen arrived...


Maybe that was the favor I’ve done for everyone, maybe that’s why I remained in the body an extra day... for taking this animal to the court... letting everyone seeing him condemned to death... with all the proofs of his sexual abuse and his domestic abuse as well as murdering with consciousness and intentions...


Maybe now, I feel valid...

I started to lose everything again, vision, sensations and my temporary memory



I heard sirens, hitting hard in my head, I saw people gathering around me, I saw a camera flashing on my eyes, I assume the journalists, on a working mission...


I’m the champ...


Whereas the other girl now witnessing her father being sentenced in front of millions, chanting her name, while her father pretending to be an innocent and out of awareness, but all the evidences were confirming that he was aware of what he’s doing...

All were against him...


I had a sudden memory recorded in my mind, including this girl pulling a mattress towards me, once she noticed I’m nearby to the subways, and before I fall she rescued me, meanwhile I already fainted due to the acrophobia I’m having but she could notice earlier that I’m falling and she grabbed a mattress from a homeless who stays close to the subway, and dragged it immediately under the bridge, before she drives to the court, she gave me a choice to live...


Likewise, I thought it was familiar because I did all of these on a dream...

It wasn’t actually a dream, my incorporeal body left my physical one and helped someone suffering...


It was really the clock... it was a matter of time...

I helped her in the past, so that’s why she helped me in the present...

When they inserted my bed into the ambulance car I checked my body with my fingers to find a mass into my pocket...


I brought it out to find a sentence states that I’m not a bad person like I thought...


Since that moment, I could rest my family’s souls in peace...

I could just tell that they’re living but only into me...

Specifically, my beating heart... that got a promotion today...


  1. I didn't realize I was holding my breath all along, god this is amazing. Starting with soundtrack it rally got me in the mood of the story and every pit of it was pure art great job with it actually as expected from you ♥️

    1. According to this you should be my top fan
      Thanks for your constant support
      And thank you always for giving me detailed feedbacks it really helps
      I'm glad this one is admired by you


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