What is love?
Love is dopamine and serotonin working most when you are with that right person...
Love is home, as it represents comfort and warmth
represents that husband when he buys you your favorite snacks
When he listens to your bullshit everyday without murmuring
And when he shares a secret with you...
To focus and shine
And help you get through your stress
even involve himself in your life however shitty it may look
He prefers sharing every detail but not withdrawing at all
And of course vice versa...
Love represents happy moments as well as awkward moments
Such as fights and arguments paralleling with pillow fights instead of fighting over a subject, and negotiating instead of arguing
Love is life, love is both;
Love gathers both sides bad and good days
Love embraces flaws and adapts to them
Love makes peace not war
Love is not selfish, love is a medicine for all scars
Love is wanting each other among all these crowds
Finding each other when needed
Love is not killed by boredom
Love is patience
Love is accepting each other as a whole package
Loving each other details
Love is when you can't live without this person
You became soulmates
You can't detach
Love is not only admiring, love isn't just chemistry,
Love is respect, honesty and trust
Love wants permanence
Love wants family
Love is deep not superficial
Love is not by the first glance
Neither because her eyes are beautiful or she likes the same movie genre
Love is bigger than this
Love is friendship
Quality time and sacrifices
And as my beloved once wisely said... love is "sharing and caring"
I was watching my show "Jane the virgin" and when she was proposing to her boyfriend she was poetically saying that she doesn't love him because he's smart, sexy or dedicated to work
She loved him because he's her best friend...
And that was such a good closure to my text... see you soon
And please, have some visual food and take my fair humble advice "never settle for less, you deserve someone loving you so much" :