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dreams and psychotherapy


Previously I talked about how significant it is to record a dream and how possible it is to get rid of seeing nightmares right after the phase of recording dreams and giving them care as much as you do for other things around you.

Check this link down below before you start this article:

how to stop seeing nightmares 

Today we’re focusing on a topic the connects psychiatry to dreams interpreting, somehow, psychoanalysis is associated and influenced deeply by your dreams, which carry a lot of messages, often include your motives, old memories, your futuristic objectives and many random data that is captured whereas you’re awake, it’s a complex of feelings and thoughts gathered to give you signs...


And these signs are willing to have you mentally well, this mental process helps you to be balanced and healthy so if you mention them to your psychiatrist I promise all your obsessions may not find you any longer, neither your phobias will follow the same path you are walking through hence sabotage you and your plans.


So to be enough aware of dreams interpreting you need to learn about two important axes:

-         Spirituality / religion/ cult

-         And psychology


Both are playing a highlighted role in interpreting dreams of possible existing mortal on earth


So basically religion seeks wellness of human actions and principles, furthermore, their intentions and direct them into the right path

Which keeps them different from animals that are impulsively following their instincts without thinking.


When we feel unable to solve problems internally likewise, externally, and they go beyond our human powers we all have this feeling in our guts that says to follow a greater power that is capable to handle our matters more than we do, there becomes the spiritual part, the faith.


Carl Jung came up with a theory that states that there’s a high relation between the religious part of us and interpreting dreams and comprehending them, he said: “knowing our dreams is the way God speaks to us” and that’s because he always thought that this brain “physical element” was created after this universe existed and shaped by incorporeal power so it has to be something important to take dreams seriously in order to process person’s behavior.


In Islam scholars started to interpret dreams according to the legit made by Qur’an “Islamic holy book” and Sunnah “prophet tradition” to help people understanding themselves well and to be guided correctly to the finest behavior.


Also the devil was always there to mislead people in every righteousness they reach

That never conflicts with science, because devil is there to cause us to be morbid and have compulsive thoughts that keep us irritated most of times.


And so does psychology which keeps you alerted about your issues and how to solve them, therefore, you find yourself getting rid of obsessions and compulsive thoughts, phobias, tolerate with your past, accept a willed job, erase this toxicity emitting from people around you and recording dreams is giving you a good chance to cure easily.


Simply because dreams are collection of recorded date while you are awake and embodied as messages and symbols sent from your subconscious mind which helps you evolve gradually and lacking dreams occurs to be dangerous representing in mental and physical illness due to lacking animal protein in which is responsible of body cells formation, so dreams are a natural process that keeps us surviving such as eating and drinking.


Dreams help supplying neuronal system, memory and increases insightfulness, that’s why you regularly find artists and writers making masterpieces imported from their dreams, such as Bill Stoneham for example, he had a dream “creepy one” when he was only five and when he grew up and gained some potentials he drew this dream which became a cursing painting forever. Some are inspired by their dreams and believe in their possible hidden powers.


That’s why they used dreams in psychology as a reflection of people’s motives and thoughts.

So there are two ideologies that connect between conscious and unconscious in psychology hence care about dreams:


-         First one is psychoanalysis theorized by Sigmund Freud who practiced interpreting dreams through “free association therapy sessions” where people used to narrate their dreams in details and the therapist focuses only on what happened in the past regarding its events and suppressed feelings and incline to interpret by himself without letting the patient thinks. As well as he totally neglects what may have happened in the present and may happen in the future so his theory was quite limited, as he only focused on the past experiences and how they may shape a person’s character.


-          In Gestalt therapy “a method of self-centered therapy” it’s a German word that means pattern, it’s a kind of a technique that supplies awareness, and it’s way better than CBT AKA “cognitive behavioral therapy”, they both may have similarities in common such as focusing on the present and “here and now” concept but CBT is limited because it only considers negative thoughts and work on them and how to change a lifestyle, but Gestalt therapy helps person understanding himself, his objectives and motives and will to live the now without looking back, and here the therapist helps giving signals to help the patient but lets the patient to deduce his case and the interpretation by himself through exploring himself through the sessions more and gradually, it helps later to have satisfaction and tolerance and gaining self-confidence as well as focusing on the present and knowing how to solve the problems without panicking.


So briefly Fred’s theory is focusing only on the past and repressed emotions, which made it limited because dreams are way more than just past experiences, and second thing is Max Wertheimer’s theory “gestaltism” that focuses on the present. Gestalt theory helps the patient interprets his dream by his own self while psychoanalysis theory obligates the therapist to be the one interpreting the patient’s dreams basing on their skills and knowledge.


But before I end such an article, here comes a third theory by Adler which is titled “Adlerian psychotherapy”, and focuses on the future, it’s saying that dreams are an indicator that refers people to their objectives and may that prone to format emotions somehow.


So here the therapist meets his patient’s family, gets to know them deeply and how is the environment around the passion as well as giving a priority to his childhood and possible inherited chronic deceases or habits.


Also before I end sometimes between conscious and unconscious it happens to have random dreams that’s called a sleeping disorder, when the person doesn’t reach the phase of REM AKA “Rapid eye movement” that happens during deep sleep the brain picks up any random recorded data and issue them into a weird, impossibly identified dream, which refers that sleeping rhythm isn’t stable and you need in this case a CBT or a medication that helps you sleep deeply without insomnia or any other troubles.


Be aware of the messages that your subconscious mind sends to you and narrate your dreams to your psychiatrist many did this and I’m one of them, and it helped me a lot understanding myself and healing.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. it's a summary of 36 pages of a book that talks about the relation between psychology and dreaming


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