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The farmhouse road


Sometimes curiosity isn't majorly a portal that evilness accesses our lives through

Sometimes evilness takes us as preys to feed on and forces us not to fight back due to lacking powers compared to it, but the only power that dwells us inside right against its influence is "faith".

The last case I worked on was declined just because of the authority some people have over the law, they never will to be exposed neither in front of themselves nor others

My salary was never enough though, I thought being silent gives more rewards aside of the exerted efforts and devotion , but never with a boss like this!

He commanded me to enter his office not only to demand me working on a new case but also making me a sarcasm material to satisfy his narcissistic self 

He attached a piece of journal to the file given to me and it had a 9 year old boy printed on it, the subject states that the boy is missing ever since the incident of abduction that occured nearby the northern fields and whenever someone investigates more events take place causing many mortalities until they stopped investigating in this case for 10 years approximately. 

Now after they blocked all the nearest commercial routes and closed the booths that used to benefit passengers on their pathways people struggled to go to many places especially the commercial trucks that had a habit of driving the roads around the wheat fields to reach out to warehouses and industrial facilities so they sent a lot of complaints to the minor... the reason why the case was opened again 

And I was chosen amongst 25 journalists to represent the investigator of this case individually without any external support.

The boy was the first case but wasn't the last 

Hundred victims' souls came to haunt the fields unless someone takes revenge for them 

And free them from the unfair conviction that caused them to  brutally disappear in the middle of nowhere!

But the boy here is the symbol, the main target that should be highlighted, as there was no single report that he was found dead, he's just still missing and there were some rumors that showcase the boy alive but his eyes were ripped off

A lot of tourists in the northern location left their tents and camping plans in order to escape the massacre that keeps dragging lives down day by day, nearby them...

The reason why it's currently abandoned and only dwelled by insects and animals that usually die due to starvation.

I chose to take the risk as it was taken before when there was no option but to work in this office with these hypocrites led by an abusive boss just to restrict poverty from my way and help my family survive their possible hardships with an amount of salary that kind of feels not enough but not bad as well.

And choosing risk caused me to drive there, where the incident hindered people from working or driving back through these melancholic fields, to check the surroundings,  to look for evidences and traces and solve this mystery forever

I thought I would be the protagonist of this story, helping victims and ending this disaster but it turned out so black 

Just when I discovered an old house build among plants and dwelled by noone any longer...

It was so dark and atmospheric,  the oil lamp hung before the front door was broken, and my phone charger wasn't included with the items I brought with me, hence I had to use the remained battery of my phone and use the flash light temporarily until I capture anything...

The windows were blocked by wooden logs and posters were installed everywhere about this young boy case, the tv wasn't working according to electricity disability...

But I found notes around consisting numbers of journalists, inspectors and seems like this house used to care a lot about the boy absence, maybe it was his house!!

I entered another room after I took a picture of these notes everything was broken,  the telephone, the bed, and below the bed there a bill, from a certain hospital assumed to be the hospital where the boy may exist in now.

I took it and seems like there was a nurse that used to come here to check on the boy privately... the boy may be alive... and may that help a lot solving this case.

The most undefined situation that I witnessed was seeing fresh food stored around, and my only assumption was the place being frequently visited by someone, maybe a drug addict, a homeless or even one of the boy's family members, despite the place isn't active anymore or even safe to live into it.

I wonder why people skipped this place for years !!! Maybe fear halted them from accessing many surrounding places... and maybe they actually did, but died later, or maybe the place was still not enough explored by others or was, but the family didn't supply much data as they were so weary to find clues about their son, and then the left the place and tried to overcome this dark part of their memories...

But I'm here to bring their rights back, a lot of possibilities were wandering my brain and the only moment of silence, the moment when all noises disguised in silence 

Was whereas I was calling the numbers that I shot by my camera today, 

Some didn't pick up the call, and some didn't want to talk about this case, but after I verified myself to some of them, what's claimed to be private was open to me seen by naked eyes, they sent me different attachments in emails and while I was checking, my dad came to put my coffee on the desk telling me that this boy looked like another boy in his childhood that used to abuse the kids around him and he was so annoying and scary unlike this innocent one...

After this short memory was mentioned I googled the boy's case but all the websites talking about him weren't available anymore they were taken down by the government!!! Ofcourse it isn't,  the government was the reason why this case was opened again this would be so conflicting. 

That's why famous journalists like the ones I called had sent me only attachments of the old editions of their journal instead of website links...

They made sure they save copies after many of them were killed on different occasions and different times, 

Until one of these convenient copies has reached me

The first attachment showed a picture of the boy in the hospital, the one that its name is printed on the bill, and the boy had his eyes totally ripped off, which was so frightening to watch alone in my room, the other attachment was accidents based on the same pattern, performed in the same way, ripped off eyes and decomposed victims in the fields, blending with soil for years without someone noticing and caring. 

I decided to go check on the boy in the hospital and I called them to detect an appointment before,

When I was on my may I felt like someone was chasing me so I had to take a lot of shortcuts instead of having myself stuck in a "hit and run" case

And get distracted by it, 

The car had no palette but I could see a kind of an old man driving it towards me, maybe I will start to get noticed since I worked on this cursed case.

I went to the hospital and checked my appointment with the receptionist, she directed me to the moderator office, who frustratingly informed me that the boy is no longer a patient there, and that he escaped as soon as he arrived , they tried to send him a nurse to medically take care of him domestically but after one week the family refused to resume and they accepted the fate of their son as long as he's alive they're happy, they said, and despite the boy needed a lot of  care during the period he was severely wounded his family refused to keep up with medical plan, and declared to the journalists that their kid was fine except for his eyes. 

Which was helpless at all to find out who did this to the kid and where exactly does he live!

And before the police goes to their home, the already left with no trace behind 

The only thing that was mentioned about his identity was that he was a foster boy not a biological son 

He was adopted by a religious family 

It's been such a doubt to think that the family were the only ones who were abusive especially when they were located there...

The only way to know where they exactly are is to go back to the farm

And check the house again 

The previous time she couldn't check everything but not it's time for it.

She exploited the opportunity and went back to the farm house and found the car that chased her parking there she carefully entered the place taking our her only naive weapon, the nail clipper

And she stepped slowly over the wooden floor making a sound of squeeze and listening carefully to any possible sound around her so she can denfend herself

Nobody was there for the second time

She checked the food boxes and found out the address that was written over them repeatedly 

Seems like someone is keeping someone else silent by this way.

Maybe this old man was a homeless and they were bribing him to shut his mouth in return... maybe he was the only witness 

I waited for him to come but he didn't 

So I took the road directly to the address noted down on my phone 

It was leading me to a very poor slum, where post lamps are broken and kids are hiding home to avoid danger outside as it seems to be.

Knocked the door twice but there was no body opening, a kid showed up all of sudden and told me that I shouldn't have knocked, usually people don't knock this family's door and when they do, they disappear forever.

"Are you a journalist? " he asked, and I nodded but he told me that I want last alive...

My chest was burdened by the presence of this boy and I insisted on knocking the door again until they opened 

With a face of anger

Gazing at me in silence  and allowing me to enter their house that was full of cult symbols 

The mother told me that the boy was a blessing for them and having  him back is just priceless but she didn't introduce him to me or tell me more details about who did this to him and everyone else

Otherwise, the father had this kind of impression that intimidated me from the first glimpse. 

I left the house desperately but before I go, I gave the mother my number and I told her to call me whenever she feels unsafe.

I came back home feeling chased again but no car was behind 

It was just hallucinations because whenever I deeply involve myself into something  I incline to feel and see things...

I took my meds before I sleep

And I saw a weird dream

That had me and my family attacked by a young boy who kept telling me phrases such as "prove it", and others I couldn't understand...

And our home was gradually invaded by him and his family 

It felt like we were chased in our own home

I woke up sweating

And locked all the doors and checked on my family members while they were laying on beds in the silence of the dawn 

When the crickets sounds were filling the area and so is the snore of my dad. 

I felt safe seeing them safe too

And went back to bed thinking deeply to give up this case...

And when I went to the office next day I found the homeless setting on the chair awaiting me to come over 

And told me "there's no time "

He told me that this boy is a devil he's no human being and his family is covering him because they think he's a blessing and if he stopped using his powers they will be followed by many losses

They threatened him last night because nobody ever since they left had reached their place or knocked their door

So he came to ask for help

As well as he said that he helped them because he never had home or insurance so once they provided him he felt free to help them covering their son who murdered a lot of people with his innocent appearance and his devilish soul...

I asked him "who collapsed the websites that talked about his case earlier? "

He told me he doesn't know but seems like his family got some contacts to deal with hence closed any possible portal that leads anyone to this boy

The knots of the rope are untangled step by step and everything is getting connected and crystal clear but this man, I should guarantee him safety until we help the police arresting the boy.

I told me boss to keep him in my office until we find a safe place for him 

"They told me to kill you, and maybe releasing you was another guilt I was accused of" he told me why he was rolling my chair around  

"Why did you do such a thing?" I asked, and his answer was because he was seeking a survival out of these dark circumstances 

He confessed that he helped the kid reaching out more victims as he feeds on their flesh but he never killed even a chick, his life became like hell since he witnessed the first victim being ripped off among the crops 

They could kill him but they wanted to make him the first suspicious character in the scene so they kept him there for a while.

I called the police to come to my place and they recorded the witness statements and preserved him.

When they went to the boy's house they found no one there 

And the couldn't find any trace 

I wrote down a report about him warning the inhabitants from his presence around him 

And later after two hours the only witness was killed 

They're around us, I went to my home to check on my family and asked a guard supply on my location, my family members were looking fine but the house itself looks so weird 

I quarantined all my family to keep them safe home

But our only place that provided us with safety was dwelled by the evilness, he showed up on my way

Extending with his body like a rubber and growing older 

Wearing a lot of masks on his face including the latest witness and his family members, 

I was shaking heavily and i asked my family not to open their doors whatever happens outside,

I looked back and he disappeared 

My dad was screaming behind the door telling me to find salt and throw over him , they say salt absorbs dark spirits and energy

And this boy has matched perfectly with the boy who was decades ago abusing my dad and other kids ... 

He doesn't have age , he's eternal

And I believe that only salt doesn't make any change compared to his powers

I tried to grab a knife and I looked around for him 

He came from behind and tried to suffocate me with his bare long hands 

My dad opened the door and tried to grab the salt and sprayed his back,

That drove him more angry and enabled his powers to control our bodies and left them up

He tried to kill my dad first by twisting his neck but I distracted him 

By speaking " you need a vessel right? You can't live without a vessel or you will be a lost soul forever you want to be enternal, you want to be present and powerful in a living body , but this is it , this is the ending of yours"

I threw the knife on his neck and kept stabbing until his blood flooded our floor

And I whispered beside his ears "now you remain with no powers, you remain lonely , lost and fragile as before"

This case remained paranormal and was closed but I know he's there seeking someone to help or a witch to summon him and sacrifice for him... 

As peace dwelled our homes finally and the road was back open, the fears and threatens were still possessing me. But I became the only one whose name was marked in this solved case, and I got promoted which helped me and my family have more prosperity than before.

1 comment:

  1. Don't read this comment unless you have finished the story!!!
    I had a dream about a serial killer that the old director of the previous website i used to work on
    Just recommended me to look for
    He was supposed to be a kid whose eyes are ripped off in an incident of abduction through the fields
    And while i was investigating about his case and getting to know why he is still lost so far i found a presence in our home and my dad was alive
    Then i saw recent reports on internet warning families from this kid because he's a devil and he was never a victim


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