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Turning table syndrome/mechanism

I´ve been quite absent from the scene for a while and due to some reasons but as far as I´m currently holding my laptop willingly initiating writing a new article for you, I´m profoundly enthusiastic to drag one of the most hot and controversial topics that was triggered after I watched two excellent, yet so well made dramatically movies, one is: Dream scenario, two is: Next Sohee.

Empty shoes, Chapter two: The truth beyond mourning


The investigators were having frequent thrives over the regular-patterned interrogation initiated by them and following up with not quite persuasive responses uttered by Freud, who is mainly considered the first suspect in the ambience.

Whenever the thrills of such a situation when Freud gets clueless to speak from his side escalate, the police officers get closer to know more details about

She told me she's in trouble before, chapter II: birds on the battlefield


All the reports were cancelled because the family lives under threatens from the father and his family, he gave out few prayers and I left the building and my heart was shattered like a strong and thickened glass falling from a high building and causing a lot of noises…

She told me she's in trouble before, chapter I: the flight


Nothing was as weirdly beautiful as the way we both met, loathingly looking at each other at the train station, carrying our college books that aren’t well-sorted and heading back home. It was a sunny day, I looked at her eyes, described unfairly in words as following, wide, thick and long eye-lashed eyes hiding behind a lot of scenes witnessed either agonizing or cherishing calling me through my compulsive urge to translate people and somehow solve their problems if they deserve that.

Unwillingly silent rather than being beheaded, chapter II: the notebook of Ava

Quick recap: Carmen boarding school witnessed a brutal incident a day before, seeing a student whose smiles were definitely hiding secrets behind cut and leaking blood into a plastic bag, while the students were frightened to death hence happened to have intense and quite irritating nightmares by night, Rita was the one thirsty for more and thrived to take the notebook of Ava where she let all details repressed out. The words are now on ventilation before Rita’s naked eyes, reading them and learning more riddles that could lead to solid evidences transiting to a case of protection surrounding the students and an avenging of a murderer who once killed an innocent spirit, but, do you think she’s innocent as well? 

Unwillingly silent rather than being beheaded, Chapter one: Carmen boarding school for girls


An awful sand storm hits the brick-routed neighborhoods in the nearby town, where lanterns are vintage and pavements are broomed from dirts, only autumn tree leaves fall from the branches causing a poetic blow throughout the storm, when the windows are closed and so are the ears, muffled with corks to hinder the scary noises from erasing the feeling of peace through interacting with one of the mortals’ senses.

The potion, Chapter II: The healer


We once were fetuses inside of our mothers, a flesh growing until it comes out to the world, breathing, crying and seeing for the first time. once we’re born, we get named, and we get to be unknowingly attached to destinies that no normal mortal can anticipate, only sensitive people with sensitive spirits are fully eligible to see within you and detect your special ability.

Sarah is one of them. Since the family just got updated about that serial killer she pointed out for the police that night, they started doubting

The potion, chapter one: The captivator

The grounds were heating up gradually meanwhile the sun is rising over the horizon, the seas’ mists were warm, all life beings were submitting to the nature, dead plants rotted and became fertilizers for the soils, hence, helped another seeds to give out their internals and bloom referring to a resuscitation of poetic elements, where people can seek hope and life through, the sweat drop fallen over the disk whereas Sarah is studying, feeling hot in that unbearable global warming event hitting the entire world, that sweat drop is such another submission, implying that even though you might have means to escape the consequences it still find ways to access you and pull down the lever, once it happens, your eyes become wide open, ultimately seeing things no one else witnesses, at that moment you just become sure that nature is very strong, and has in it, a lot of hidden treasures you might not be aware of. You just have to be prepared.

Empty shoes, chapter one: temples

Some people wish to fly to the moon metaphorically and some seriously want such an event to occur into reality. Martha became not fond of any of these two mentioned above, she just wanted her reality to be as good as she wants because since she was disappointed severally she stopped lucid dreaming and focused more on what’s happening in here and now. But what exactly does she want to have to make her satisfied?

Clocks and metronome

I always looked at clocks and weirdly sensed a communication between me and them, hence my interests in them escalated, I started downloading photos of grandfather clocks, buy clocks despite I have a digital clock on my smart phone, it's not about an object that can be compensated, I don't know if this perspective is all based on nostalgia or including more reasons than this! Time is extensively capable to show you a lot of events  and invert the way you think, time is literally controlling your entire life,

 but can you control time? 

A change, and replace the (G) with (C), that's how it is.


I had a long journey to walk through, and so far, having more coming next... I was always a silent person until I learned to express myself, without a single feeling of shame, nothing to be ashamed of except disregarding one-self.

I had many dreams to fulfill, got failed, desperate and frustrated, but I always fought back the distresses to resume living, and surviving, I always try to have a plan B, and to not stick in the middle, clueless, dreary and out of passion, and due to natural instincts, people become fragile. People get drained after exerting a lot of energy over something.

Escaping the bottomless of the hell


Written in September 2019

It wasn't our choice. Being imprisoned in a house belongs to a certain army organization was my worst nightmare ever, meanwhile, we started to have fun as girls, and make everything around looks much spirited. 

Bathroom parts were the best, dreary women enter with giant bags of make up and well-hidden champagne bottles, pouring themselves a drink and smoking smuggled weed in bathtubs, while sitting on toilet seats and crouching on the floor. 

Dreadfully swamped, Chapter two: Riddles


"You’re not a delusional, you're special, and I trust your visions. In case I'm not here anymore find my security bag and unlock it, be careful, no one knows you will be coming here after my death. They will just inform you. Don't reveal yourself, you always knew the password, never changed, and please my dear, don't blame yourself for not contacting me as before I know you are busy and I'm proud of your progress, I heard from the principal that your dorm was burnt because of an electrical shock, I came to pick you up and consumed all my money on the illegal immigration so I can come as soon as I can but you never saw me...

Dreadfully swamped, chapter one: the reunion

 The place seems dead

The ghosts will guide you at night with their lanterns

To many offices, many dark places that were never accessed by anyone, autumn's rains are giving you hints whereas they fall over the dust, to show you old scenes, fingerprints, and to let you hear screams echoing everywhere

You're there for more than revenge...


Lunatic J., Chapter four: Show must go on


Chapter four: Show must go on


Theatres are the places where the truth is revealed whereas everyone think otherwise.

Theatres allow you to speak, open the curtains for you as well as your eyes have been open to see the truth through everything, it's your stage, it's your show, avoid crowds preferences, avoid their murmurs, avoid their slurs, not all of them like the truth, most of them are hypocrites, little dolls operated by evilness, unlucky, miserable ones who chose the darkness over the light.

Lunatic J., Chapter three: The escape


Chapter three: The escape

Truth scares us more than lies, that’s what darkness always tries.

To dwell us, to prevent us to shine, to suck our sanity... once it peeks, through our souls, it uses all its power to cut the flowers, rooting in our bodies, it starts with a mole, growing instantly to become a hole, an abyss, once it peeks, our lives become fake, just as it wants and planned, right after the death of our plants, but the mist, the dust over our eyes and chests, shall not be permanent, because light will always be an opponent, that might be defeated and might win. Don't be a victim of a temporary lure.

Lunatic J. , chapter two: Jacqueline's dreams


It was a full moon night, the rains started to drop and the stray animals initiated seeking particular sheds around the street to hide below, the brick roads always capture the attention of Jacqueline and it’s also mutual between her and Beatrice.

Jacqueline arrived home and by the edge of the door she texted Beatrice to check on her but she didn’t answer, she was busy doing tasks before the pharmacy closes…


She went to her room after she grabbed the lunch leftovers from the fridge and started searching for some laws that serve women in assault cases to exploit knowledge therefore she can provide Beatrice with confidence and persistence.


She kept quoting data and forwarding them to Beatrice but there was still no response, despite her shift had already finished, she didn’t bother anymore she slept and seems like her dreams are starting to hit in again and give away some signs that should be considered consistent.

Lunatic J. , chapter one: Beatrice the loner


Some people were destined to be silent; silence for them isn’t sacred as much as it’s oppressing.

Some of them chose to be silent because they couldn’t confront themselves all about it or anyone otherwise, they chose to be silent fearing the possible consequences they might encounter, they chose to be silent because there might be no solutions except to vanish, this is their anticipated salvation, for them, silence is assumed to be occurring not because of being timid but because it’s wise to choose among the options.

The cursed shore, chapter two: phases


Artwork by: Akira Kusaka

Chapter two: phases

"Renee, you shouldn't have done this, you are barely overcoming a previous trauma" said by Kevin who argued with Renee for seeking information regarding the mandaean pianist who was slot by rulers of his trible... who included very minor little artists that remained repressed eternally, only one broke the circle

The cursed shore, Chapter one: the vision


visual art by: 

Guillaume Tronel

Everyone should stay calm, the ambient light should be dim, the sound of the silence helps the band to perform well for the few audiences attending in the studio they perform at, it’s a padded tiny room that splits the instruments’ vibrations and waves from the outside world.


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Amine Touami and Neveen Abbas, for their constant support. I appreciate your presence, thank you for making me happy by reading my content. I hope you always enjoy it. You are my top fans now, my website's favorite visitors, here's a glimpse of how I represent my dreams and all my fiction in just words. I'm here to take you on tours, you've put your seat belts, and wandered a lot with me, so let's keep going.

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