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Lunatic J. , chapter two: Jacqueline's dreams


It was a full moon night, the rains started to drop and the stray animals initiated seeking particular sheds around the street to hide below, the brick roads always capture the attention of Jacqueline and it’s also mutual between her and Beatrice.

Jacqueline arrived home and by the edge of the door she texted Beatrice to check on her but she didn’t answer, she was busy doing tasks before the pharmacy closes…


She went to her room after she grabbed the lunch leftovers from the fridge and started searching for some laws that serve women in assault cases to exploit knowledge therefore she can provide Beatrice with confidence and persistence.


She kept quoting data and forwarding them to Beatrice but there was still no response, despite her shift had already finished, she didn’t bother anymore she slept and seems like her dreams are starting to hit in again and give away some signs that should be considered consistent.


Beatrice is a captive of a monster in real life and incorporeal one, she finds no freedom even outdoors, she always feels chased due to her complex situation, Jacqueline saw her as a captive of her stepfather, he locked her in her room, and despite she can run away from the window she can’t and despite her room door was open as well she couldn’t escape he locked her chest and senses… he only treats her as a doll, what a dull!

she begged Jacqueline to help her, but it was a sound just repeating in Jacqueline’s ears not uttered by Beatrice, Beatrice was just sitting by a corner with a muffled mouth, poetically narrating her suffer through her sad eyes, whenever Jacqueline tries to approach her, the distance keeps distancing and she never reached her friend to free her from this cage.



Jacqueline’s phone rang so early even before her shift starts by several hours, she picked up the call feeling out of senses and then she received one of the worst news she ever heard by a single mortal, her dear friend didn’t live a day of victory, maybe the only victory is her leaving this world full of evilness and went instantly to where she can find peace.


The rage dwelling Jacqueline escalated the double and she initiated thinking to take revenge but not knowing yet how to do it… she squeezed her palms and grinded her teeth once she arrived and saw Beatrice lying on the floor dead, she slowly got closer and kneeled down, ran her fingers over her pale skin and wet hair, her tears initiated to drop heavily, she carried her head on her wrist and kept whispering in her ears whereas she’s bending her neck down and promising to avenge her at any cost.


They stated that she died either from asthma or sharp drop on blood pressure according to nourishing issues, then they transmitted her body to be preserved until her family come and start already the death procedures, hence she gets buried soon.


All the coworkers confirmed that she lost her inhaler last day and she was looking for it, but she never found it, and she didn’t buy another one because she was thinking that she forgot it at home.

They interrogated the cleaning employee as well and she said that Beatrice never spoke or objected meanwhile she was cleaning, she just started immediately to cough and went to the bathroom.


They released her body and Dr. Miller commanded everyone to take a day off so they can attend Beatrice’s death ceremony and be present in her funeral

The cemetery was as dark as her soul, the atmosphere was so calm, depressive and out of colors, seems like it’s reflecting the dead’s stories and loneliness there below the muds.


Jacqueline saw Beatrice’s stepfather standing drunk in front of her grave meanwhile they were moving her shrouded body down, she imagine all the sadistic attitudes she could treat him with, if she could drink his blood she would but gradually she will metaphorically do.


She didn’t stop seeing nightmares all the night after the funeral, before she sleeps she was sobbing while checking their chatroom and recollecting days she was giving hope and methods of adaption and escapism for Beatrice, she empathized her at every situation, she couldn’t endure the pain repressed deep down…

The ambient light was dim, her eyes started blinking slowly and her tears dried on her skin, the rains were pouring outside and the spectrum of Beatrice was following her to her dreams… she saw her riding the car with Patrick, the coworker she had a crush on and she was happy until her stepfather followed them, and stopped the entire good scene because his jealousy and obsession were devouring him…


Jacqueline woke up, stayed halt over her bed rubbing her chest and gasping because of seeing her friend two times in a row, into a bad dream that keeps her feeling of guilt increasing, she opened her eyes and drank her coffee, went downstairs putting the earphone and walking to her friend’s home, she looked through their window, the mother was already hosting delinquents to drink with her and do drugs, whereas the stepfather is sitting on a chair smoking and getting high…


She looked around, the cats and dogs that got used to be visited and accompanied by Beatrice were looking back at Jacqueline transferring the same feelings she has, seemed like they were approving her thoughts, and they were the only mute friends that saw everything but can’t speak…


Jacqueline walked through this narrow neighborhood finding stores closed and just one open it was a phone store, she bought a new earphone and exchanged a cigarette packet with the owner with money… she walked around the trolls everywhere, the dead trees, the collapsed buildings smoking and listening to her new playlist shared by Beatrice, every single song was describing different feelings that were never spoke by her, she went to her grave that was quite close, she placed a cigarette over the mud as if was Beatrice able to smoke with her, the moon was lighting the place around and the rains were sending condolences to the earth for what happened to this oppressed girl, Jacqueline talked about everything that bothered her, talked about her loneliness throughout her high school where everyone had a fellow and she didn’t, winter season was always her favorite and still because the rains were washing away her sadness, being nerd never helped her feeling better, being unseen was never accepted or satisfying for her own-self…


Her parents were always busy, her mother has resigned and already stayed with her after she got divorced and that created a gap between them not the opposite as it should be claimed, whenever they stay together her mother never stops criticizing and never stops interfering in her life not intentionally to ruin it, but because she involuntarily and instinctively care about her daughter, but because she couldn’t handle her marriage and both of them were sabotaged because of anger issues, she couldn’t handle her life so she’s putting all the burden over her daughter, though she’s doing domestic activities, checks on Jacqueline and always try to treat her better, the reason why Jacqueline is tired of her mother’s paradoxical behaviors, she’s carrying the responsibility of others’ faults…


She sensed a hand tapping on her shoulder, she looked back but there was no one, she just embraced her illusions at that moment she imagined Beatrice hearing her and trying to cool her devastation down.

Jacqueline is a kind of visual person she sees a lot and stores a lot in her brain through the sights she spectate before her eyes, she sees a lot of dreams and share them with anyone around her but she never thought to write them down, according to the constant underestimating she used to encounter by others about her theories including dreams interpretations she stopped caring about them, even Beatrice never knew about it.


She couldn’t sleep because of the insomnia, she went to the pharmacy fatigued and out of concentration, she messed up a lot of prescriptions and during the supervision of Dr. Miller, he requested her to take a short vacation to clear her mind but she refused, this is considered the only mean to distract her from her darkest thoughts and dreams, whenever she’s alone she finds it hard to relax, also work helps her thinking more…


The reports of the day included a lot of complaints from the customers about the products influence over them, so Dr. Miller started to suspect the industrial company they import their products from so he asked the labor to take the samples and analyze their substances again in case they messed with them to sabotage the pharmacy’s reputation, just because he refused to break the contract with them on one condition, which is them paying a compensation for him…


They wanted to sign a contract with a fancier pharmacy to earn more money, so his theory is them involving him in trouble to get his pharmacy closed because of blackmailing them financially… people dealing with this brand for years never denied their high quality and the other branches of fancier pharmacies in the city never complained about their products so the only drop that will happen if the samples were expired or toxic will be only occurring for the pharmacy.




Jacqueline went home and slept instantly bearing no more exhaustion, her last dream about Beatrice for that day was seeing her leading her to an elite neighborhood where Patrick the coworker lives, and she stood behind his back going back and forth towards him and Jaqueline saying no word.


For the unlimited time Jacqueline wakes up panicking about Patrick and thinking seriously how to rescue everyone in the scene from that monster who used to assault Beatrice.


They all went to the pharmacy the next day receiving more complaints…

 And the more complaints they receive the worse their reputation becomes,

Because one time will never detect a fault,

It can be just a warning for them, but constant complaints will be triggering a bankrupting…


Dr. Miller received the labor’s report, all the samples were confirmed valid…

Which was shocking for him, his theory was still considered for him and he thought that they even might have bribed the labor to fake the reports…


His journey shall not end soon, and he will insist to rescue his own successful project he saved for years.


By night Jacqueline was the only one remained in the shift she decided to revise the camera’s record that day Beatrice died, and she noticed that there’s a small device that was given to her after the client got out from the bathroom… she wondered where this inhaler might be hidden at! because when they found Beatrice they didn’t find her inhaler but it’s still claimed that she either failed to breathe and died shocked and the inhaler was too late to be used or she just ignored using it in order to commit suicide, she might have faked an optimistic tone when she was talking earlier to Jacqueline about reporting.


But still where’s the inhaler?

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