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Lunatic J., Chapter three: The escape


Chapter three: The escape

Truth scares us more than lies, that’s what darkness always tries.

To dwell us, to prevent us to shine, to suck our sanity... once it peeks, through our souls, it uses all its power to cut the flowers, rooting in our bodies, it starts with a mole, growing instantly to become a hole, an abyss, once it peeks, our lives become fake, just as it wants and planned, right after the death of our plants, but the mist, the dust over our eyes and chests, shall not be permanent, because light will always be an opponent, that might be defeated and might win. Don't be a victim of a temporary lure.


A lot of inquiries were wandering Jacqueline’s brain bouncing between two possibilities, one states that Beatrice’s incident is a suicidal attempt, and the other states a crime, a well-planned one.


Jacqueline had checked the cameras last night and the man appeared in the record had worn a scarf and a mask to cover his real intentions internally and outside to prevent the cold breeze from accessing his facial organs, he demanded a deodorant and went to the bathroom instantly after Beatrice had given him the permission, he seemed either familiar to her thus she smiled comfortably before him or he’s just a nice person, or maybe, this wasn’t a sincere smile, maybe he’s the one whom she always feared throughout the time she spent at her home with her careless junkie mother, maybe he’s that pervert stepfather. Maybe he just went there to threaten her again and maybe the clean worker will be even involved since she’s one of the last two who visited the pharmacy. Which is going to twist the ending to a beginning of an investigation journey Jacqueline will never give it up until she finds solid clues to support her friend’s case.


The inhaler also appeared in the records the previous night before Beatrice’s death, so who specifically hid it and took it from the scene? That’s the main question we will focus on the entire chapter.



Jacqueline captured another detail about the clean worker, it’s confirmed that she wore a mask but there was a title of the agency she works for and the identity patch on her uniform, she called Dr. Miller immediately and set up a meeting between both of them without an intruder.


He came in a rush, asking her about the urgent updates she brought him for, he then called the cleaning agency to schedule an appointment with him tomorrow morning with the moderator right after he listened to Jacqueline’s statement that sounded interesting for him, he’s also suspecting wrong movements mysteriously happening in his pharmacy but sooner or later curtains will be open and the show will start, even if the audiences didn’t like it, the truth will be remained there, alive.


Jacqueline went to her very narrowed room, opened the window, whereas the winds were blowing its transparent curtains, guiding to the door, as a gesture of giving up, fear visits again and the atmosphere becomes melancholic, maybe the results are way bigger than her, the reason why she still thinks to escape the entire case for sake of mind peace. “Loneliness is cruel, but sometimes it protects us from dangerous repercussions” said Jacqueline.


But none of this is true, danger knocks the door at any time whether you are a loner or not, evilness doesn’t choose its victims once the volcano erupts it will burn many in its way down the hill.


Her conscience overpowered her fear, her guts drove her to seize the truth hidden out there, next morning she accompanied Dr. Miller who required her presence with him going to the cleaning agency in order to help him with her notes, his visit was validated by the receptionist and she allowed them to enter the moderator office, Miller asked to bring the clean worker with that particular name up to the office to question her, so the moderator called her number and asked for her attendance.

She accessed the office, very consistent with alert eyes and lifted-up chin. She approached the visitors as well as the moderator’s desk and asked about what she was called for.


Miller played the record in front of her and zoomed in to showcase her name tag on the uniform and asked her if she found the inhaler of that girl, and that it might be an evidence tool, she wondered! Looked at the moderator and told her that she doesn’t remember going to that pharmacy ever, she serves at homes more than companies, the moderator asked the observers to send her the history of last week to prove her agent’s witness, and it was proved, the clients confirmed her service after they called them twice once at that date and once recently when Miller and J. visited, so she wasn’t vacant that day, the moderator sent her back to work and concluded that there’s someone who impersonated that poor lady to ambush her.


Miller and J.’s assumptions were totally not partially correct, yet the possibility of the incident being a crime is increasing more and more.


J. went home tired, she kept researching to gain more information as much as she can, she googled about the industrial medical company they’re exporting products from, and all the rates given by many clients located in various regions were positive only the clients of the pharmacy were complaining, Miller has the total right to invest his time searching too, she also googled that cleaning agency and its staff, to figure out a shocking detail to inform Miller with, life is full of surprises, somehow these surprises reach us, the more they’re intimidating and full of answers, the more they get enchanting, the more the results become satisfying, every phase has its good features as well as bad ones.


She called Dr. Miller and asked him about the labor’s report after he sent the samples of the products for them, he confirmed that they were valid, and no single detail was used against the company. He thought after he blackmailed the company to pay a compensation for him, in return they break their contract with Miller and sign another with an opponent that has a fancier pharmacy and well income to support the company to sell more for them, the opponents who put a term that Miller’s pharmacy shouldn’t be on a battlefield with them, greedy intentions but the term was accepted, hence after all of these events accumulated, Miller thought that they’re behind something according to this kind of conflict, but so far, he’s not sure about anything.


Jacqueline could prove it if they work together and make a co-operation with a strong bond that includes listening and believing.


She told him that she needs to meet him urgently and there might be a connection between Beatrice and that recent deterioration of the pharmacy’s financial statement and clients’ complaints.


She dressed up, and before she grabs the jacket to put on, she noticed a light blinking outside her window, she peeked through it, and found a black jeep car parking by her building, she assumed it’s not a police break through, there’s nothing in her criminal record, she was never wanted by the government, she had no guilt to be accused of so there’s no point of police visiting her, she heard them escalating the stairs up to her floor, knocked a lot of doors, few of the neighbors opened their doors and kept screaming, and not coincidentally Jacqueline heard her name being called by these crowds getting into a rut to everyone’s flats to find her, she took her phone in a hurry and a knife and went to the bathroom, and despite she’s acrophobic she could manage climbing down the sewers pipe leading to her bathroom window, once she reached the ground her joints and muscles were shaking and barely moving.


She tried to call Dr. Miller but he wasn’t picking up his line, she was difficultly running away until she arrived the bus station, it was misty and late, barely transportations pass by, she kept walking, metaphorically freezing in that cold climate without using a jacket to warm her up from fears and loneliness that aren’t less colder than the outside.


She was walking through a dark tree-lined street rubbing her arms whereas she was inhaling and exhaling extreme cold air through her nasal canals.


Finally and luckily she finds a taxi stopping by her spot, giving her a lift to Miller’s address, she checked the neighborhood right and left to see which number matches his house number meanwhile that hazy weather was blocking visions from clarifying objects and destinations around.


She tried to call Miller again but his number wasn’t available, she moved forwards a little bit and someone suddenly grabbed her by her waist and muffled her mouth. She tried to scream but Miller’s voice cooled her tempers down and told her not to make much noise or they will find them through echoes.


He told her that he was tracked too by a certain sent gangster to get them down once they visited the cleaning agency the reason why he couldn’t pick up the call and muted his phone. They need to leave the area as soon as they can.


He took her to the train station to take the quickest train heading to a rural place he used to live in earlier and cautiously he avoided a hometown flat to be safe far away from whom are tracking both of them, they reached their destination, finally settled up in a fancy and abandoned place that belongs to Miller, and because he didn’t pay the utilities for a while the electricity doesn’t work, so he went to the basement to bring an oil lamp, he placed it in his office, where every corner has pile of books and paper sheets, everything is covered with dust, and the furniture are all cloaked white bed sheets to preserve until a timing no one can predict when exactly the owners want to pay a visit.


He tried to increase the ambient light and looked for a battery operated bulb he bought before and never used to make the surroundings much more vivid, and he already found it in an unsealed box on the floor, he installed it in a lamp holder and preferred not to drain their phone batteries…

 And there was a dialogue dropped between both of them… each one of them is a conclusion of another, be aware of the gestures of the dreams, your sub consciousness might be a leader somehow of a becoming success, you just need to the follow the pattern it gives you, every knot of the thread has bunch of information that drives us up to higher levels.


Dr. Miller: “So, Jacqueline, tell me what thread could lead you to this point?"

Jacqueline: “I had dreams, would u believe me?”


He nodded…


Dr. Miller: “That might not seem sane, but we always find truth through insanity, speak, all ears”


J.: “My first dream was about Beatrice being captive of her rapist and she asks me to help her getting out but whenever I approach, the distance expands and I never get to her”


Miller: “She had a rapist involved in her life! Resume, what was the second?”




Second dream, she finds her sitting with the coworker Patrick she had a crush on and he's taking her to a car whereas the rapist is chasing them so she thinks that he figured out that she likes someone and he was really chasing her.


Miller: “Is there’s another one to add?”

The last dream, she sees Beatrice leading her to Patrick’s home.

Thus, she thought that this is a sign that warns her that something might happen to him.


Miller: “How did she lose her inhaler?”


J.: “no one knew she already found it she told us that she will buy another one if she couldn't find it at home ... but the camera showed that her inhaler was found by that man”


M.: Someone took it ... the inhaler was poisoned... Beatrice knew earlier that there's something wrong with the products and tried to tell me but she was killed before she did, I assume this is how it might connect.



J.: “that means that the lady who came to clean the pharmacy called someone else otherwise the ambulance”


M.: “exactly... and this person who came earlier to the pharmacy poisoned her ... he was the one who took it and he was the one who pretended that he found it in the bathroom... it was staged”


J.: “Beatrice led me to Patrick not because he was the target but to warn me from him... Patrick messed with the samples... wait! Patrick was responsible of the store supervision and accountancy files right?”


M.: “You mean that he wanted to sabotage the company's reputation and screw our business? But the labor proved that the samples are clear”


J.: “He may have exchanged them after he knew that something wrong was happening...”

M.: “It wasn't the company that had an issue it was the opponent... the competitors

That we rejected their offer before…”


J.: “You mean that they planted a client of them among us to ruin our business?”


M.: “Indeed:


J.: “Earlier before I check our medical company reputation I googled the cleaning company and found out the staff photo with their names... I couldn't tell you I forgot”


M.: “How could you! Anyways do you have a screenshot? Because, there's no sign here to check on internet ... tell me you took a screenshot... please”


J.: “Don't make me panic ... wait let me look”


J.: “Phew ... I knew I would forget to mention so I could take it earlier, here…”

M.: “you are a genius Ms. Jackson

But everyone can’t be distinguished

How would we know who's she!”


J.: “I have a copy of the camera's record ... look! This lady is tall, slim, and one of her legs has a limp ... look at this picture, the lady we investigated looks similar but she's chubbier and her legs are quite fine, she's not broken she has a disability... in this photo one of them has the same feature and her left foot is pointing differently to a different direction from the other one…”


M.: “How couldn't u tell me these details, just kidding I know how terrifying our situation an hour ago was”


J.: “Her name is Norah Roberts she has a bad reputation among her coworkers the comments are complaining about her services and she was fired from different firms.”


M.: “So she became an agent of them...”


J.: “Of course... everyone wants money why wouldn't she be a villain if the world already decided her impoverishment as some claim”


M.: “Making sense”





M.: “Here's the thing, you are going to work tomorrow and you will resume your work normally and I will not be attending any of your shifts... you may find Patrick acting weird or normal just ignore him and stay close to the girls, gossip , joke do anything... and since Patrick might be meddling this condition,

He can still doubt that we didn't figure out the main source causing these trouble you will talk to the girls and you will tell them that Dr. Miller decided to break the contract with the recent company they’re dealing with for some reasons

And yesterday you became not virgin anymore, you have no boyfriend right?”


J.: “No, but...”


M.: “you are going to pretend that you have a secret boyfriend and you spent the night with him in a hotel as a camouflage”

J.: “How about your absence? How would you manage justifying your situation?”


M.: “I can be him...”


J.: “Be what?  My b... boyfriend!”


M.: “Do you mind?” he smirked at her…


J.: “So you want to make us looking like we're having an affair to just distract them? But how would we prove this?”




M.: “Tomorrow night ... I will come before your shift finishes, and I will call you to the storage meanwhile I will ask Patrick to bring me cigarettes from the nearby market... when we hear his footsteps coming closer I will kiss u ... and you can pretend you are confused and your cheeks will be blushing”


M.: “You are even blushing now, how ironic!” he laughed after he messed with her

M.: “This is just staging don't go so far” he laughed as well as she did


J.: “Okay then, I think we should sleep...”


He held her hand...

M.: “One more thing, put on makeup tomorrow before I call you, just simple makeup don't be so obvious”


J.: “To make me look as if I’m prepared to meet you?”


M.: “You have got the entire game ... and I think you will make it win”


J.: “We didn't discuss the method we will catch them up with”


M.: “This is on me... your game just finishes where I directed you”




Dr. Miller's plan worked so well and Patrick would have a call by the end of the shift and he will start acting hyped.


Everyone went home and J. suffered an insomnia because she checked the window more than once to confirm if she's still tracked by anyone... but nobody came this time.

To be continued...

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