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The potion, chapter one: The captivator

The grounds were heating up gradually meanwhile the sun is rising over the horizon, the seas’ mists were warm, all life beings were submitting to the nature, dead plants rotted and became fertilizers for the soils, hence, helped another seeds to give out their internals and bloom referring to a resuscitation of poetic elements, where people can seek hope and life through, the sweat drop fallen over the disk whereas Sarah is studying, feeling hot in that unbearable global warming event hitting the entire world, that sweat drop is such another submission, implying that even though you might have means to escape the consequences it still find ways to access you and pull down the lever, once it happens, your eyes become wide open, ultimately seeing things no one else witnesses, at that moment you just become sure that nature is very strong, and has in it, a lot of hidden treasures you might not be aware of. You just have to be prepared.

While everyone was watching the broadcast on the TV informing people in the county that there is an old man known for being a spiritual medium and exporting the essential contacting data to people, therefore, if they have something to update, they can hit their lines, Sarah dressed up for school, it’s her last exam in the first semester of the third year of high school.

She feels out of colors, nothing interests her, nothing amuses her soul , her motivation doesn’t escalate to make her do things otherwise studying, she’s just a walking person, roaming around with her earphones, listening to her husks in the songs she writes and records, and deep down feeling as a failure, doing things that aren’t worth. Despite this somberness, she still insists not to delete these records, she believes that someone will love her works though she doesn’t.

Sarah went to school thinking about that medium they’re looking for, thinking if there’s a real possibility allows man to contact a dead person or different kind of entities, and if he’s sick mentally she would still feel thrilled to know answers through him. She finished the exam, got out, ran to the bakery before the second batch of fresh bread runs out and the stuffings make the not freshly-made bread a little delicious instead of it being fully delicious.

She went home, walking by the stripped patterned walls watching the lights of the lampshades shining over the furniture and the antiques people would anticipate that this beam of light just shows how fancy are the objects around us but the full fact here elaborates that without that light beam we wouldn’t see the dust and get irritated by such a distorted visual scene. Everything around her seemed out of life, despite the ambiances were very colorfully contrasted. The clock ticks time slowly, representing a lack of battery, the mother was reading the news on her phone, whereas the father was working in his wooden fancy office on his current case, since he’s obligated to get every important detail to a crime file, and involuntarily a spark will shine over this family announcing an elimination of a label normal from that bright daughter inhabiting there, once Sarah closes her eyes and initiates visualizing, to make her life looking funnier.

Next day she woke up having many messages congratulating her for growing a year older, her mother and cousins were preparing the cake and the father was standing with her older cousin letting his dog running in the house garden and enjoying the decoration rituals, her cousin approached her and asked her out so everyone feel free to prepare her surprise… she wondered what kind of surprise they are aiming to show her. But she wasn’t so enthusiastic as much as she felt when she was with Aisle her handsome smart cousin that is known to be socially awkward and he was chosen to tease her in her birthday because she’s one of those who make him feel comfortable.

She received a message from an unknown number meanwhile she’s drinking her coffee with her cousin, stating that she needs to look at the nearby post lamp, she thought this is part of the surprise, she looked closer at the pole and to avoid passing the road when it’s already trafficked she took a photo instead and zoomed in to be able to see what might be there specified for her, she saw a sentence written with black spray written as followed: “After the sunset he stops disguising as a normal person, Sh.”

Chapter one: The captivator

Nothing rang a bell inside Sarah’s head since she read that phrase on the post lamp but she could deduce that there’s a kind of psychopath invading the town confidentially to erase the smile on its inhabitants’ faces and to spread fear and sore. Until she has a clue of what’s really happening around her she enjoyed her time being just normal, a normal girl that turned a new age recently and sitting with her admired young man who has mutual sentiments with her, he smiled back and asked her about what she’s intending to be since she’s a high school student, she said: “Listen! For me I just will to become a journalist but not like my dad.”

Then be specific, which kind of field you want to major in? A field that is anticipated to amuse you the most among the variables” said by Aisle. Which was a question that triggered a lot of thoughts inside the head of Sarah, all this chaos dwelling inside was slightly becoming untangled, hence by each knot untied she finds answers, responding in long paragraphs after she became silent for a long unknown period of time, responding: “The reason I rejected to be another copy of my dad is that he chose to be dedicated to his work more than his family, usually he’s out of ideas when he’s in a family gathering but during his work, he functions like no gears ever did work before, he becomes a quick-witted, sophisticated long-tempered clerk whereas he’s totally the opposite with me or my mom who’s turning blue due to this boring life likewise. I just want to be devoted in both, work and my personal life.”

She followed her previous passage with another stating “I would like to pick something similar to my dad’s field, implying a lot of thrills but still can guarantee myself having a life separately away from it, thinking about many fields, one in between captures my attention a lot, therefore, it can be crimes’ sector, my dad is taking the major where political department is associated to, and that’s making him way more obsessed with authorities. For me we’re not the same”

Aisle smiled hence said: “everyone will become jealous if they knew coincidentally or seemingly that you spoke that much with me, you know!”

I know! But maybe I’ll talk later as much or so. I actually wonder about what you’re also intending to be?!”

Said, Sarah whose brain’s horizon is widening whereas she’s sitting cheerfully with Aisle chit-chatting.

Speaking of the field I chose, it was never chosen purposely, it was my parents insisting on me choosing it for what’s claimed beyond it of glory and success, but secretly I’m intending to make a diploma in mineralogy, I promise you when I get advanced in that I will be making you a precious ring that totally suits your delicate character, but I just need to finish my bachelor degree primarily, otherwise I have no clue how to manage my plans” said, Aisle, looking straight into her eyes and asked her if she did good in the exam, obviously, ridiculously and naughtily lacking questions but pouring out intimacy aside of many feelings lurking there due to love charms.

She stuttered, getting quite what he insinuates by his eye looks and his quiet voice tone, afterwards, the silence.

No words could ever fill the gaps, but instead she touched his hand, and allowed the electrical sources to invisibly take away her peace and stability, she allowed her heart to bump blood differently, to palpitate in a way that calls out the lover from a distance that isn’t so far, she allowed her eyes to become passionate when she thought they’re out of life.

Aisle held her hands tightly, spoke nothing, and took her back to the car, sending texts to the family members informing them that he’s spending good time out with Sarah and that they might come a little late, but fortunately, everyone is busy doing the decorations and the rest of the rituals, nobody even noticed the messages, both exploited time for themselves, letting love interfere and taking a role in their life since they both needed it.

He drove heading his home, the very fancy, yet quite tidied and good-fragranted apartment, it had that wooden wall on top of it installed a beautiful dim-light emitting lamp that looked like a branch, showing enough details for both of their pearly eyes’ pupils.

They went to the room, Aisle’s bedroom, that showcases the ocean behind the glassed walls, reminding them that this night is owned by both of them, the ocean is applauding, encouraging with its tides them to be together, yet and forever, to be united like every drop of water gathered to become part of another.

The doorbell rings, gesturing the presence of that pizza deliveryman Aisle called, he asked the leftovers of the pizza they were eating at the restaurant to be delivered at their place, so they can celebrate differently, the man who delivered the pizza was rude, asking for extra money unlike what’s dealt over a detected bill formerly, and he initiated being argumentative and stubborn all about it, with no definite right attached to the situation allowing him to speak like this, Sarah looked at them, and wondered how biased this person totally became when he was already politely acting and behaving when they were at the restaurant. Suddenly! She remembers the phrase noticed on the pole referring to that one labeled by whom has visions as “the hypocrite”. Sarah gave him extra changes and asked Aisle to close the door, lurking lots of fear inside of her since her senses were activated.

They both chose a movie to watch while finishing the leftovers of the pizza and intended to have a long talk resuming what they started before, and totally crossing every kind of boundary they had in between, before, causing themselves to be euphoric, once, in a long time.

They received a message from the mother after one full hour assuring them to come home for the celebration,

And in the photos finally the family members notice a close-up between Sarah and Aisle, holding each other intimately way more than before. When this world offers opportunities to the lovers and they take well advantage of them, often, it works good. Sometimes, when a person goes wild, euphoria is the thing remained to deal with, and usually that person follows no rules, the desire then must be strongly controlling.

Sarah went to sleep feeling anxious and delightful about what happened between them, because nothing works fine without thinking about consequences. And that was literally a very impulsive moment when events willed and unwanted at the same time are occurring,

She closed her eyes, and deeply breathed and finds herself drowning into a dream. In which it’s about a place underneath the ground, full of darkness and red wallpapers.

Full of gore and silence. this silence is caused by many death cases and whenever she goes downstairs it becomes darker

and all the glass around reflects the fear in her eyes, she goes deeper and deeper to find the wires eaten

and the bathroom partially dirty and she hears sounds telling her that she is supposed to hide from the monster dwelling


She kept roaming there until a week passed with no single new scene that means anything… but this time she visited the house again…

She ran to nowhere knowing no destiny as usual until she found a baby’s room and a baby crying, and closely found herself carrying the baby and bleeding, she will

move further frighteningly and try to look for somewhere else to hide at…

She will go to other rooms and one of them will be the room of aisle

and it's dark, one of the walls is glassed and showcasing the motions of the sea outside, and another wall is leading to a vent

that belongs to someone's room which belongs to another nearby apartment, and it’s just empty since the people living there left

but there's someone in there either to rob the place or to stalk Aisle. and he comes every night to mess with Aisle's

Medications for allergy and cause his facial statement to become worse. He comes through the vent.

He wants to harm him physically by this, and mentally by abandonment when he sends messages to other girls from Aisle's

phone and through a fake account he sends the screenshots to Sarah to make her jealous and to separate her from him

making her thinks that she was a game for him.

She will call Aisle and go to his room to find out that the vent nails are loose and that her dreams were

sort of true.

She immediately called the police and they could access the other apartments and find fragments of crime tools which will successfully help them track the “Captivator”

The captivator is a man who finds loving souls and curses them, cause them to separate and remain in his

cage until they die starving. he does this because he lived alone for 5 decades without company because women

refused to be with him due to his weird behavior, talking about the beauty of dead people, and wondering about the

taste of a dead human body, his obsessions made him very suspicious to these old victims he murdered and kept in his

brewery downstairs. locking them behind the bars and giving them no water or food, waiting them to die and eating from

their meat, victims' theories were correct about him.

Since that dream and those signs were correct Sarah will give more concern about what she sees during her sleep… and what the spirits guide her for. Her soul is sensitive and has a good contact para-psychologically with entities.

In this big spooky house that looks similar to hers,

She finds a room where existed a victim who lost her passion in life and committed suicide, telling her that she

has to leave before the sinister entity gets her fully, it got part of her, she just needs the potion and

the potion is owned by the medium, he has cure for the tired souls that's why dark entities want him

they want to imprison more spirits with them for sake of revenge and some are just helpful.

Thus, she needs to escape the house as soon as she can and find the medium because sooner or later without the healer

she will be consumed.

No wonder how a question about that medium a short while before was followed by her being a handy person he depends on to survive, not individually but in plural. 

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