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The potion, Chapter II: The healer


We once were fetuses inside of our mothers, a flesh growing until it comes out to the world, breathing, crying and seeing for the first time. once we’re born, we get named, and we get to be unknowingly attached to destinies that no normal mortal can anticipate, only sensitive people with sensitive spirits are fully eligible to see within you and detect your special ability.

Sarah is one of them. Since the family just got updated about that serial killer she pointed out for the police that night, they started doubting

that she’s been there in Aisle’s room before, and their brains started to be fertilized with inquiries, asking how multiple times non-stop getting not enough reasonable answer from their daughter, but eventually she had to prove it for them, which implies that she has to go subconscious to give out a detail that no one knows except her… her father angrily rejected the method she’s been trying to convince them with and asked her to go to her room.

They called Aisle to ambush him letting alone how they were both planning to punish their daughter for going there and crossing the limits, Aisle denied all their theories telling them that the birthday night was already spent at that restaurant…

Listen! My daughter has plenty of skills and plenty of dreams to achieve, I considered you a man, taking her out temporarily until the preparations of her birthday party dissolve, but you insidiously exploited her fragility and took her to your home, if anything wrong occurred her which might deprive her from fulfilling her future I will totally become harsh with you however the consequences are” spoken by the father, in which evoked the response of Aisle stating:

Your daughter isn’t a kid, you can’t blame whoever is surrounding her if anything happened seemingly not as you willed. I never manipulated her and maybe that’s why you and my aunt trust me in general other than that situation. That night we just had fun eating and chatting, uncle, and meanwhile I could deduce that a lot of Sarah’s soul is consumed because of your negative impact over her and the house, you never knew her obviously, you never heard about her dreams and her ability to see things your wide open eyes can not see. Instead of blaming me which is very irreplaceable, just blame yourselves for not knowing her enough. You can’t deny this is beyond logic. It was a while and I had the symptoms of skin irritations due to medicine poisoning and I didn’t even tell her that I take medicines for allergy as I never needed them out or even remember to mention, I never also sent her a photo of my room and how would she even know that there is a vent that leads to another apartment? Let’s assume she was inside my room, would she leave the good romantic ambiance and choose to climb to a vent and get into it, for God sake! Please, just believe your daughter, and get away with the fact that she sees things, even me believed her as well as the police. Tackle your family issues properly without including others in, for the best for all of us, I’m not contacting her any longer, neither contacting you too, is that cool enough to settle everything?”

The father responded with a “yes” and hung up with Aisle finding his sentences way better than his daughter’s and kind of felt guilty for being less involved among his family.

He might be hiding details from me, he might’ve been manipulating her lately not essentially earlier so he might be still judged as a manipulative person who took advantage of a stupid kid like Sarah, and he might not be and that medicine matter might be true. For more sincerity I will go to that restaurant and ask to see the saves of camera records they had that day, Aisle didn’t expect that Sarah’s father will check the text messages again to see the name of the restaurant, therefore, does what’s accurately planned next day.

Sarah went to the squash training practicing weakly compared to other sessions, and all what she thought about was being grounded and how difficultly almost impossibly she can contact Aisle, which gave her less energy to do a productive thing for today.

She went home and decided to nap, and whereas she’s inhaling and exhaling, she could go back to the same house again, remembering that everyone’s time is running out until they regain what they’re losing… PASSION.

Otherwise, the other spirits will feed on them and drag them patiently to eternal darkness, Sarah walked randomly to a room where existed a victim who lost her passion in life and committed suicide, telling her that she

has to live before the sinister entity gets her fully, it got part of her, she just needs the potion and

the potion is owned by the medium, he has cure for the tired souls that's why dark entities want him

they want to imprison more spirits with them for sake of revenge and some are just helpful.

Sarah decided to strengthen the bond between her and the medium and just help them exit the filthy grip of the evilness and find liberty…

After she focuses onto the messages she will know that all these helpful spirits are sent for her to help her...

but in return she should help the medium to escape the cult too.

Every place has a secret, a weak point, she looked inside the house and saw that it looks almost the same as hers, but,

bigger and darker, representing her soul and how fragile she becomes by time because of fear, instead she decided to sing more and to publish them on a platform using a fake identity.

First steps are seeds and others afterwards are growth motivators that accelerate the cultivation moment everyone awaits.

Sarah found good amount of views on her channel, asking her to sing more for them, which drove her positive towards singing live next times showing her face, thinking that she’s as important as she claims since people admired her work, but she didn’t take a serious action, she just preferred this way so far, she noticed that her life became worse since Aisle stopped talking but she couldn’t even open up about it with her parents… she opened the door of her room finally to go to do her biological needs, but once she’s out, her mother confronted her giving her a pregnancy test telling her that her father knew that they were together at home…

The saves showed that there’s a time missing between the event gathering them at the restaurant and when they came to the birthday party, therefore, she should take the test to prove that she’s not pregnant which is going to accumulate troubles in piles.

Signs of prophecy were all represented in the moment Sarah’s belly was proven stuffed, the dream she had carrying a baby was a very good gesture of what she might be encountering in the very proximate future.

Suddenly, the family became silent, letting the hesitation of aborting the fetus or letting it grow devour them… The girl decided individually to keep it asking them to call Aisle to come and give his opinion…

Sarah saw Aisle’s eyes looking down all along from the feeling of guilt, he had no words to add or an attitude to use to protect himself, he was just sitting, longing for his beloved silently in the presence of her parents, she asked him if he wants the baby likewise, but the answer wasn’t given he took himself out, sweating, whimpering and drove his car back to his apartment entering like he has no feet, he was floating like a feather over the carpets letting his sleeping guts to tell him what do…

Sarah started going to the school again initiating the second semester cowardly more than before, even her singing videos quantity decreased and her appetite became worse, so, she decided to revive that energy that keeps her and her baby alive, she uploaded another singing video about motherhood, written by her, to express how everything is a fate and how she deals with that fate in her own way, this video, was a portal, to the house she used to visit in her dreams, but through this portal, shall passes a gloriously-empowered lady

that could access the doors she couldn’t access before, the power in her hand, originally in her soul, opened the heavy door knobs and gave her an approval to see within other worlds…

There, she steps over the door slap leading to the garden they call “the fake paradise”, the medium accessed it in his coma thinking that this is

the exit of that house but it was a fake door and it's apparently revealing through the dead plants in the grass, which are barely seen.

She will find a pond and over it a sign carrying a title "the potion"

which was easily concluded by her that it's the fake potion that caused many to get sick…

She didn't drink of it and learned that the medium is an elder, who almost lost his passion to this hobby.

She followed the names of cases he dealt with and their features according to the broadcast interview… they led her to his wooden cage and she casted the spell she saw in his book at his dreary small wooden home appeared in her dream.

She freed him and got him out through the real exit door she always get from, which is easy to find to sobers and hard to find by the weak-conscious and he told her to take care of her coming child, it will be a thing.

Sarah wished she didn’t wake up since she had a very good dream consolidating her, the medium was broadcasted alive in front of folks telling them that he was in a coma caused by a brain concussion due to a fall from a cliff and now he’s find, and he added that he was helped to be found by a young spirit in high school, and that he’s got what she needs, it’s her gift.

Sarah knew that he has the potion to give her, her mom prevented her from going out so she ignored taking a permission and sneaked out of the house slowly in order not to hurt herself and went to the edge of the yard taking a car of a stranger and asking him to take her to that medium’s house address, she didn’t think or concern for a second that this person might be evil, instead, she continued her way to the medium fearlessly and very prepared to get the potion she’s awaiting for, the man laughed at her and told her that she must be strong enough to defend herself if he’s intending to kidnap her to a certain hospital, sedated and rip her bowels and organs out before selling them to that evil dangerous mafia, she smirked, trusting in her spiritual skills not to disappoint at that moment, naively, and then they arrived, she asked him to stay to pick her up, but he rejected, and went away to his aimed destination.

There you are…” said the medium

They might not believe you but I do myself, here’s your drink, all in one sip, don’t remain a single drop in the bottom, and always remember that the favor I seized through you will be paid forever, I’ll be always there for you, alive and dead. Now go home, and take the car license number that belongs to the man you took a ride with to come here to me, you are very lucky to survive a very dangerous criminal, he had a corpse in his car’s trunk and he was in a hurry, he released you instead of killing you this time to give you a good impression about him especially if you suspected him, he will tell everyone that he released you, be careful, and don’t depend on that spiritual sense alone, work according to a balanced system, and don’t tell anyone your secrets… tell the police that you heard a knock in the car trunk and that the driver sounded suspicious. Report him, or he will come back for you… this car license is the true one, not the stolen installed… tell them it dropped from somewhere in the car and that you took it secretly and escaped.”

Sarah did as she was exactly told, and while the officers were interrogating her, her mother took her out asking her if she also slept with that maniac because all what she sees is just an irrational kid, but Sarah had enough…

For years I’ve been looking for someone who believes in me and this person should have been you, but what I see is just a cold person finding no love to give me…” said devastating Sarah who went back to the interrogation room to give the rest of her statement and go… finding a shop to buy her new clothes from since her body shape changed due to pregnancy, her mom parked the car by after following her, went inside, and gently touched Sarah’s hand when she was touching the pieces hung, she smiled at her and tears dropped from her eyes, as well as her tongue that chose to be gentle this time and involuntarily utter the prettiest motherly words ever said by it to Sarah, to give her a feeling of an unconditional love and acceptance.

Sarah’s mother decided to follow her daughter’s command to head to Aisle instead of going home directly, and when they asked him about keeping the baby, he said that he was intending to keep it, but he’d rather have Sarah as a wife since she’s already 18, and he will keep encouraging her to fulfill her dreams as he was the first to believe in her potentials before anyone else.

And our friend “Sarah” said yes.

If she killed herself, if she didn’t listen to these clues, if she decided to end her life, neglect her skills, and remain silent and sole in a dark soulless room she wouldn’t be having a gifted child, a good husband, a good singing career and wouldn’t taste the beauty of the success she had through high school phase, she wouldn’t be recognized by whom love her voice and wouldn’t be praised and advanced. She would be causing herself to discard a lot of goodness in the future, a lot of blessings she was awaiting for.

Here writes a writer that lacks passion, hehe, but keeps going on, and advancing slowly…

meet you in a very soon-released story…

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