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Unwillingly silent rather than being beheaded, chapter II: the notebook of Ava

Quick recap: Carmen boarding school witnessed a brutal incident a day before, seeing a student whose smiles were definitely hiding secrets behind cut and leaking blood into a plastic bag, while the students were frightened to death hence happened to have intense and quite irritating nightmares by night, Rita was the one thirsty for more and thrived to take the notebook of Ava where she let all details repressed out. The words are now on ventilation before Rita’s naked eyes, reading them and learning more riddles that could lead to solid evidences transiting to a case of protection surrounding the students and an avenging of a murderer who once killed an innocent spirit, but, do you think she’s innocent as well? 

Chapter II: the notebook of Ava

Nothing was more dazzling than Rita’s eyes and the book sheet she’s opening and willing to read, she held the diary of Ava as if she was holding a gem, a gem that should be cautiously hidden from the thieves, and as she was reading the first page, she learns that Ava didn’t initiate writing except when her case turned into blue, everyone claims that the adoption caused her to be melancholic but that wasn’t the thing, Ava wrote that she was really happy in her foster house that was abruptly opening its arms for her after her parents gave up the custody and got divorced willing not to have an extra burden in their lives, the new family is rich and kind and they treated Ava very softly as if she was a biological daughter which kind of was a compensation for a messed up family she used to live among, thus, the main reason she turned melancholic was the blame fell upon her head after the death of Ulrika, the student that Ava used to give beauty instructions to, and in an unintentional way she bullied her and made her feel worthless… 

Ava was constantly told by masters that she’s the reason why Ulrika committed suicide, despite the fact she stopped talking to her and repented, it’s still spoken that grudge and agony were fueling the motive of a suicidal attempt in Ulrika’s guts.

First page:
“I bet he was the one standing there lurking and his shadow behind a bricked pillar filling her mind with hate towards me, but I’m still included in the frame and that is exactly what he feeds and preys on” Ava wrote with her shaky handwriting resuming her narrations through the followed passage:

“All I did was telling her to adjust her eyebrows once, and another time, telling her accidentally that she looked like a yeti that inhabits the top of the mountains as a way of joking, I didn’t know she was that fragile, everyone told me that she became so upset and more disciplined to her solitude, I went putting aside my pride and apologized to her telling her that I didn’t mean to hurt her it was just a sister’s advice uttered wrongly, but she never forgave me, it was just these situations and I never been known to be a bully student I was just known to be fun, but if that causes problems then nothing remains to me but staying silent and talking to no mortal around.”

Next page:
“I’m afraid of him, I’m afraid of his eye gazes, his deep raspy voice and his smile that makes me look at it loathingly and slothfully seeing dark yellow teeth stained by dozens of inhaled nicotine and tar, I’m afraid to the limit I can’t write his name down here because I feel chased by him everywhere like a cursed saint expelled from a church or a mean parasitic ghost invading my peaceful corners, he was the reason why I am acting like this, seemingly furthering myself from everyone I loved and loved me back, furthering myself even from my foster parents who treat me well, I know that everyone started to inquire what’s happening to me, even those who used to blame me started to sympathize with me but he’s the one who allows me not to sympathize with myself, it was because of that card stained with dry droplets of blood, an ID card of a student named Demetrice, it’s said that she ran away with her boyfriend, ran with her own uniform, with her entire clothes bag, and left nothing behind, but finding her ID card there on the wooden log beside the piles of the sealed boxes made his evil grow towards me, made him target me and use my mistakes against me too… he said he will tell on me to Ulrika’s sibling, the only one remained in her family as they were orphans and he’s known to be barbarian… but I promised to remain silent willing to live… and maybe to correct myself at least to die with redemption.”

Third page:
“I didn’t know he’s a pervert, he asked me to do sexual activities to please him today, otherwise, I’ll be snitched to that guy who is now a rock in my throat blocking my saliva even to run there to the bottom, I feel disgusted of myself, my body smells like him, I tried more than a soap to kill that smoke smell and to eradicate the smell of his sweat and his self-crafted fragrant that smells like burnt wood from my extremities but these awful scents are still stuck to me, I hate that we both were tangling together today, I felt his breath nearby my ears while he was hissing like a serpent and panting like a mad dog eating its victim brutally without mercy, just seeks to fill the guts with soft deer meat, that was once fresh and flourished… I still feel everything and so on, the urge to vomit each five minutes caused my blood pressure to drop rapidly until it’s already considered hypotension, my roommates helped me regain a bit of myself and now I’m writing while drinking the last sip of the salty tomato juice they prepared for me, also adding a syrup they took from the nurse to cure the sharp drop in the blood, now I’m partially physically fine… but I can’t handle how it is and was painful to have such a circumstance like this. I’m not the only one, there are many and I can’t guarantee if they’re alive as me currently or passed away already. All I want is to see him suffer one day, by a person who’s eligible to make me witness his filthy actions uncovered and the strength in his eyes broken, I want to see him humiliated.”

Rita tried to continue reading but her bodily demands forced her to hide the notebook back and sleep for few hours before the school rings the bells…

Everyone put on their uniforms to go to classes but Rita took time to wake up, her roommates were joking with her considering her to be drunk and they prepared coffee for sake of her soberness but she woke up not intending to accept jokes or fun, beginning her day already with a bunch of assumptions and an acquired duty that forces her to know the truth, she’s suspicious of Elijah being the character mentioned in Ava’s diary, but the problem is that he’s not the only male teacher there and there’s no solid evidence against him so far.
She decided to sneak to his office while classes are already starting, but the principle announced in the school broadcast that everyone should go back to their rooms and unchange their clothes since she noticed that someone broke into her office yesterday night, the school is now on emergency and curfew doubting a presence of that person who killed Ava and fearing the unsafety of the other students, the principle commanded the guardians to call out for plenty of them to stand by the internal and external fences as well as protecting the girls’ rooms but it was beyond her budget which caused her to only assign guards around fences inside and most importantly out.

Rita was standing beside the door of the Jewish teacher and before she goes he came across asking her what she was doing there, evoking her response that was well-prepared stating that she came to apologize and have a talk with him…

“And what is causing a young fragile girl like you abused yesterday by my closing grip on her wrist and complaining about my attitude to the principle to stand by my door safely and asking even to enter and have a talk?” a sentence ironically mentioned by Elijah…

“I will tell everything inside but please, let’s enter before the folks just come and cause noises after the broadcast, I need to talk to you alone and I don’t want anyone to see us” said Rita who was shaking inside fearing any kind of consequence but appearing solid like a soldier on a boarded land topped by planes carrying missiles and throwing others on the bases…

Elijah opened the door lifting up an eyebrow and leaving a space, a very tiny space between his body and the door making Rita entering avoiding physical contact with him carefully… he locked the door behind, sat on his chair and asked her to stay standing before him and not to sit. 

“You’re not allowed to sit but you’re allowed to talk, all ears, Miss Raymond”
Said Elijah, smoking his cigarette… and looking from top to bottom with his eyes at her…

“I think I exaggerated yesterday, I’m sorry, you were just kindly asking me to deliver an evidence and also protecting me from being a suspect since no one is allowed to enter Ava’s room again… I’m also here to clarify that I didn’t want to annoy Ava in her grave, I promise you… I was just curious, I was bringing her gifts to fill her life with joy even though it might be temporary, she was just sad and silent and I was feeling pity for her, so imagine if you just access the room of a friend you brought gifts willing to give a day later and you found her dead! Her notebook was just a path for me to understand what she was going through and to know if there’s something I can help her with but as you said, it’s not my job, it’s the police… no wonder why everyone fears you Mr. Elijah, it’s just your strict character but as long as you can make people study your subject and succeed in it, no one should judge you… but can I ask you a thing?” said Rita, feeling more confident than before.

“I have a question that should be answered primarily, where is the notebook, Rita? Are you here to finally deliver it?” Said Elijah, looking more comfortable than before… and a little suspicious of Rita having the notebook still…

“Mr. Elijah, when I was running from you yesterday I lost it as I was having piles of books and clothes over my hands, I feel curious the same way you are, and I promise you, when I find it I will deliver it to the principle.”

“No, no, dear, Rita, you will deliver it first to me, so I can get the credit, you heard me? For years I endured being the evil bad guy here, for years I brought up students until they’re grown flowers blooming in their youth like you, for years I advocated for stopping adultery and alcohol drinking since your teenage impulsivity controls your actions, for years I gave you lessons and lessons to bring up decent and pure girls willing to fix the society from its corruption and I get nothing in return, I was the one who found that diary, not you, and I was the one willing to deliver to the police and get the credit, you heard me, young lady? So who will you deliver it to?” said Elijah with a challenging tone to Rita who responded “You, sir.” And followed her response with a question: “Why did you lie to my mom about your girl, sir? Everyone knows you have no daughter to compare me with as last time.”

“I did once, but now, she’s gone, forever, away from me, she became a renegade and faithless and preferred to submit to the corruption of this community and become a cunt.” Said, Elijah while he was grinding his teeth and hitting the disk with his big grip Causing Rita to step backwards feeling scared and guilty, maybe that person was always misunderstood and maybe there’s a filthy sinister teacher trying somehow to frame Elijah by being cute to the students and constantly criticizing Elijah’s behaviors with students and colleagues.  

When Rita moved to the back she looked at the piles of boxes on the floor and walked towards them, feeling a wooden log underneath moving unlike the others, referring to a hidden path to somewhere. Oh, Elijah! You and your persuasive lies, tried to cheat someone else again but, maybe it’s your time, to be finally be uncovered on the platform of the final show of Carmen boarding school for girls, you will be the theatric story that will remain memorized and recited for years.

Rita left his office running to the computer labor asking for a quick access but they rejected due to occupation of teachers there using them to download the courses to keep the girls most of times at their rooms and not attending the school campus for a while. In mean time until she goes there by night as preferred she went back to read Ava’s diary…

The fourth page: 
“Enough is enough… I will not speak the devil’s name but he dwells somewhere unlike his actual flat downtown, he goes to another place where I assume he kill girls my age there and rape them, I followed him, I had to, this is the location:”
Nothing found by Rita except half of a blank page, thinking that Ava couldn’t write the location but, by giving more concern Rita’s fingertips sensed prominences on the paper noticing a very mildly-seen imprinted words. 

Rita brought a pencil and kept shading over the words until they became fully vivid, the location is now one of her solid evidences, this diary was a good thread of patterns that will hopefully lead to the culprit whether it’s Elijah or someone else. Afterwards, Rita read another page and it was the last:

Fifth page:
“He knew I was there, he knew that I followed him, he wanted to chain me there at that house forever but he told me instead that he will make someone else kills me, I don’t want to die, I feel like my life turned into a nightmare, I was just recovering from a family issue and becoming better existing in a new environment, I thought I was a lucky girl, winning opportunities and being privileged, I thought I would be something in the future and compensate myself for all losses I had, is this the closure?! I can’t tell anyone about this, I will try to be good, I promised him, I will not interfere anymore, I will even stop writing to myself or whoever person in my head who might read this, I’ve been haunted by bad luck, and that is exactly why I’m quitting writing today.”

Nothing else is added beside these sentences that made Rita sob and whimper seeing a girl at the same age being ambitious for years and suddenly becoming a dead person analyzed by the forensics after she was cut brutally in a way no one afford looking at. But in the midst of Rita’s nobility, courage and rage, she ran to the computer labor... finding still teachers occupying it.
A school full of cameras forgot to install few by certain corners which helped so far Rita to sneak out of the school and fool the guards by making something fall from above, dealing with a friend to do it for her… and then she left to a nearby a center for cyber usages when they are already closing and she begged them to give her few minutes, she paid the costs and started googling about these places Elijah used to work at and one of them was positioned in a foreigner country, just one comment was about him after it’s translated it states:  “this person is a pervert who loves young girls and he caused a student to commit suicide thinking that she was seducing him by her beauty and it’s a sin, the entire school protested against his strict inclinations and how he treats girls until he was deported from the entire country because of religious matters, no one wants that bastard!”

Because of this comment, Rita could have another proof that he was causing girls to suicide which might imply that Ava didn’t do anything associated to Ulrika’s suicide, she printed that page, the location of Elijah’s other house, and took a copy of the five pages written in Ava’s diary, and went back to the school…
Holding the evidence in her hand, trusting in God and heading to Mr. Elijah’s office, he wasn’t there, he was at his flat, probably drinking tea and feeling adorably safe from any kind of accusations… whereas Rita already managed to enter his office and try to move away that shaky log behind the boxes until she managed to remove it and see below three ID cards of missing students who never came back again including Demetrice, the girl Ava mentioned in her Diary, and the cards were stained with blood, Rita swallowed her saliva starting to gasp and tremble as she put back the log and the boxes over…

She went to one of the students who had a camera and loved photography and promised she will take care of it and give it back intact… right away to the teacher’s office exploiting that everyone might be busy dealing with the new system and the police on another hand, She took a shoot of what’s underneath the log without touching any of the cards, and added the photo to the file she’s intending to present to the police…

Next day everyone was given tablets in their rooms to start studying the courses without going anywhere as a way of providing protection, then Rita woke up considering it a tough day, that will finally allow everyone to go to the ceremony or Ava’s remembrance that is so far delayed because of weak-evidenced report… the principle was screaming at the girls asking them ascend the stairs instead of spectating the new horrible news showing that Ava was pregnant! Causing a shock to haunt everyone at their places and they took a sample of Ulrika’s sibling and it didn’t match, leading directly to one and another culprit who killed her and raped her too, as no evidence is attached to Ulrika’s sibling, Jason… who appeared to be not barbarian at all, but a total shy and kind-hearted boy, it was Rita’s perfect time to reveal the real culprit, rejecting guards to block her way to the principle and the police officers willing to speak with any, and as she was walking Mr. Elijah stopped her moves asking if she found what they’re looking for, gesturing the notebook… 

Rita held her tears and collected himself, and said “yes…” and went to her room and gave him the book by the door telling him “this is your time, sir, shine”…
She followed him and saw him going to his office not to the police downstairs, she smiled with grief that felt like a dagger dipping into her chest exposing a demon staying among them and avenging her dead friend… yes, her death that stands partially between the happiness of Rita and Rita herself… 

Rita witnessed the beam of Ava’s spirit shining, radiating at the foyer of the school where everyone stood there in terror, she witnessed Ava and other killed students standing by her side asking her to proceed, to wipe her tears and to lift up her chin and feel proud, as she was presenting the file to the police and crying heavily in the principle’s arms, who was embracing her and other students tightly after a word was uttered by Rita “this is all, this is the end” telling all girls like her adults and young ones that the party is over, that the tablets will be taken from them and everyone will go safely to their classes… some felt bad though, because being deprived from electronics until weekends is such a pain in the… for these young curious women who fluctuate between dedication and welfare-seeking.

This is the moment you wanted, Ava… He is humiliated, right before our eyes, all of us, all of us know the truth you and others were screaming internally fearing to tell, now the girls are graduating honoring you, remembering you, Demetrice and Ulrika… the school principle retired for that she couldn’t fulfill us all good safety but she did within her abilities, now, Carmen boarding school became no longer a boarding school, it’s now a hostel for abused women, inspired by what happened before, in one year, the place that had ID cards of missing girls stained with blood hidden and buried underneath its tiles, now is a place that embraces all the abused with a strangling-violation that happened and will happen, now is revived by these pure droplets… inspired by you… Ava, Demetrice, and Ulrika…

That wouldn’t have happened if Rita the gold-hearted college lady didn’t help…
Now Rita became an intern in that hospital as she’s willing to be a psychiatrist who currently is still a medical student reading about a new case, who was raped and hit by a teacher and two contributors with him and she lost the case at the court due to his authority, she went viral by her video slurring him and others as well as the system… she found out that she’s a neighbor of her, and that she’s a rescued victim of a planned death by one of these criminals at their dungeons making their calls to silence a witness, a victim and a human being of speaking their truth…

“I won’t die until I see them suffering…” Said Ida, the victim to Rita the medical student who is listening carefully to her… “They go to that beach with the students after exams, they teach boys to touch girls and to hate them the same way they became misogynists, I swear, they were gathering around the girls bottomless, they force us to see their genitals and harass us by words and sometimes even start relationship with few girls and end up sleeping with them and breaking up… and then after all of this, after the dirty drinks they have and the laughs they give, they go home and do more and I was one of the home victims, no one listens, or they do, but they muffle their ears… wish I had money to spend, wish I had a position that allows me to win the case”

Ida started crying angrily feeling no resistance to the pain anymore, feeling idly as she can’t help herself at all… maybe it’s not Rita this time who will help, maybe it’s someone else, as everyone has his own role in this life, his destiny and the way his life ends… Rita was a champion in another time, still seeks to be so far, but maybe she’s not always the key to the solution, the only thing she could offer now is adaptation to the victim…

She looks up to the sky, wishing in some way she can be a rescuer back again and smiling, knowing two answers to that wish mentioned above.

Impunity is just temporary. 

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