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Empty shoes, Chapter two: The truth beyond mourning


The investigators were having frequent thrives over the regular-patterned interrogation initiated by them and following up with not quite persuasive responses uttered by Freud, who is mainly considered the first suspect in the ambience.

Whenever the thrills of such a situation when Freud gets clueless to speak from his side escalate, the police officers get closer to know more details about

him as a husband, God knows for how long that husband stayed isolated from his wife that inhabited the same place as his, which proves a sort of conflict was occurred between them, leading to nowhere except distancing, one of them or maybe both caused them to be blown further from each other hence landed onto different obscure spots of that labyrinth.


Freud headed home with a heavy heart in which dwells into it a guaranteed fear of being accused of anything not specifically murdering, but the scandal of committing any other crime, and a mild happiness that his wife might be gone forever, he has been assuming joy in her absence for a while, since he got bored of her all of sudden, he observed her shoes, clothes and her diary book, everything carried her smell, her cheap fragrant, her sweat on the folds of the shirts, as well as her pen’s dry ink over the paper sheets she had from work, the fragments of memory decided to interfere without a permission of his filthy, selfish and arrogant soul, forcibly taking him to times in the past when she used to please him fully however it costs, and when they laughed together while watching an horror cheap-thrilled movie, he prefers now to keep himself fogged from seeing them, yet not listening to that deep voice telling him to at least sympathize as a human being… he chose to open her diary notebook curiously, hoping deadly to find a single detail to put him out of the bigger picture…


Every word Martha could put on these yellowish-looking paper sheets was emitting a melancholic feeling, mostly representing loneliness not only solitude, every word she mentioned was referring to her being stuck in a dungeon, these words could reveal the truth that obviously rambunctiously imply that Freud is the one who was and still free, he’s the person living behind the bar, and his back is turned to Martha who’s pathetically living inside of that prison begging him to see her, to feel her, and to have her as his company, she wished she could get a clue to free herself but in conclusion, recently she’s the one paying the debts of everyone but her. She chose to endure agony, she chose to forgive and to forget and to be the kind silent lamb that every shepherd would like to have before slaughtering.


“The world is full of entities with different traits and environmental conditions, every creature knows how to adapt to the nature if it once flipped in a way that is no longer working in their favor. This is the law of lingering or surviving as it should be accurately said. I’ve always felt like I’m a tiger in the middle of an intensively-somber jungle, seeking a light and a friend to continue that journey I have no destination of. The tiger is witnessed as a strong and steel-willed creature, but so far, I have not enough awareness about how powerful I am and what I’m capable of.”

“… in a dull way I could manage to have a company, I made a pact of loyalty with another similar creature who intends not to stay permanently as I wanted, hence, I obligated myself of a mission that will remain a part of my proximate future too, I took in consideration that that company’s presence in my life is my accountability, I will never be alone again…”

“love gave me power to see the world with a different perspective, it could distract me from how fragile I was, as far as I know, I was in a phase of madness, using my tusks to hurt everyone due to being scared of being hurt primarily, I preceded to protect myself from the decisive types of mortals, he came to extinguish that fire starving for more to grow and spread… wish I could tell him that I healed because of him…”


“My methods stopped working, all of the solutions that should be leading me to Freud’s heart again ran out, leaving me inquiring here about the future… he know how it kills me to be neglected like that, I opened all the doors for him that once were found locked and inaccessible by others who entered my life, I love him a lot, but I wouldn’t like how my personality might change when I go back to be alone… I don’t want to lose anymore…”

Freud quoted these sentences deducing nothing relevant from her well-built and eloquently-perfect written scenes that are found to include insinuations. He closed the notebook and threw it away, once it hit the bottom edge of the wall a paper dropped from the middle, he approached trembling like he’s on the cusps of another abyss that might cause him to be even more lost... he reached the paper, and then picked it up, “Divorce contract” it was the contract that was sent in a mail to her and she pretended that she never saw it, causing Freud to issue another with his signature on and his attorney likewise.


He never figured out a wiser way to tell her farewell except on papers, he didn’t want drama, he didn’t want to listen to her… he just wanted to get his things done without extra events or repercussions. He crushed the paper thinking that it’s a good omen for him finally getting what he wants without expenses or a possibility of sharing the assets of the house either in funds or as they are looking like…


He took out the cigarettes pack of his pocket, smoked until his eyesight became hazy, looking straight at the ceiling, and then his phone starts ringing nonstop until he picked up the call, receiving an offer of visiting by a lady talking fully with a seductive tone, it was her, Oxana, the mistress who started festinating along with Freud since his wife can’t be no longer a barrier between both of them…

“Are you upset?” she asked.

“You know my answer, you know everything about me, don’t you?” he answered

Evoking a laugh she gave, she dressed up and came to spend the night with him, and as soon as she slept on her arm as he let her mass numbs it, he slowly moved it from beneath and went to the bathroom, he was insomniac, knowing no path to lead to nirvana, he opened the water faucet, put his head below erasing the heat of the high blood pressure that helps his brain erupting in an unhealthy way, causing a start of obsession, he grabbed the towel, looked back again at Martha’s thrown shoes, finding a contrast in the colors of one of them, he couldn’t distinguish if her shoes were stained by blood or paint, he shrugged and went back to sleep…

And a night like that full of mystery and dishonesty of partners like Freud, a night like that was followed by a morning that will change a lot of aspects starting with the announcement that was broadcasted in all the media, and the most candidate in the community, the murder of Kayla who was brutally murdered and found nearby the woods having the same chemical substance in her blood stream as other women victims murdered before her, it’s an anodyne that was used to anesthetize the human body with a certain dose the serial killer is aware of its fatalness in few cases. Martha was still missing, and now both, Freud and Jacob became just another thread to another evidence that the officers use, the rumors started to spread and become viral stating that Both are contributors in these women’s crimes, women from all neighborhoods started to demonstrate in the streets against misogynists and how the government can’t tackle the corruption in their system as they also rushed the investigators to find the murderers as soon as possible and prove the accusations on them to fulfill peace for them.


Freud drove Jacob to his house silently, and parked the car in the house lot, taking his cigarettes and walking by the city’s river road, inhaling a giant quantity of nicotine and looking around spectating people who are going to cinema, eating at restaurants and riding bikes in peace, he looked at them with envy, not for too long, because a lady of the few feminine crowds by the square chanting for justice to be applied on women’s killer saw him passing by, she smirked and came to him to start attack, but the guards came to prevent an upcoming unfair fight between one suspect who might be an innocent and numbers of ladies surrounding him, the poor guards who had to meddle wondering the same way Freud and others associated to the media department about how quickly these ladies gathered around to demonstrate. It ended up with Freud caging himself at home, feeling a bit of the karma that is hitting him bad for whatever he caused to his lonely wife formerly without a single revision of his conscience.


He stopped watching TV and checking the social media, as far as he could conclude, it’s him filling the timelines…


He called Oxana to escape that stressing atmosphere for a bit of time before it turns back to be worse again but she didn’t pick up… he left her missed calls, voice notes and even opened the social media only to text her there willing to find a response but none was sent back to him.

He preferred having lunch, but the leftovers of two days were already spoiled, hating the facts won’t give you the welfare to change them, he went down to a nearby market to buy noodles, the man working there was looking with despise at him and then recited a bible verse that talks about punishments of the disobedient kind of man, then his daughter came across and purposely kicked his shoulder with no apology following... affirming her father’s choice picked from the sacred book. And another drama was skipped by Freud followed directly by a bad dinner time, when the throat barely passes the food through and the saliva isn’t watery enough to take everything down due to fear and confusion.


At the same exact timing the policemen found a bracelet buried beside the place where landed Kayla’s body, the autopsy reported fingerprints on Kayla’s body that were difficultly checked because they’re only belonging to the index and thumb fingers appearing on the body because of an unnoticed cuts in the gloves of the murderer that were also found in a nearby trash can, this could ease the procedures multiple times as they started to analyze all finger prints of all culprits and the acquaintances linked to each case, finally Freud gets the winning card and get away from detention and media pressure, he kept calling Oxana to celebrate his innocence report with her, but she still didn’t respond to his messages or calls… now he had the full courage to head wherever he wants and regains the respect from citizens again. But everyone was wondering how cheerful he seems whereas his wife might be decomposing somewhere else, which forcibly made him pretend to be just hysteric because he’s missing his wife… and not surprisingly won some sympathy from unenlightened people.


He opened his wife’s diary again, and tried to read what’s been written on other papers that were torn, maybe he finds a clue that makes everyone free him from pretending to be sad for her absence, maybe he will choose a way to help his wife survive to just get salvation of her ghost chasing him.

He brought a pencil and carefully shadowed the pages and what he could collect from alphabets were just giving a sentence as following “Cheaters should always die”… he panicked as his paranoia kept devouring him in slow motion,

“She knew?” he said, whispering to himself… looking at her belongings and started to check them cautiously more this time, he found nothing despite his constant checking ability escalating, he started crying for everything telling himself that he was supposed to be the one dead not her and that short suffer he encountered lately drove him to empathize with her all the previous times.


But he still wondered if she just doubted or already knew about his affair with his coworker!


He went to the laptop and wrote a big letter to his missing wife ordering others to share it, he’s using the propaganda as correctly as it is assumed by others and him on another hand… he said:

“wherever you are, and I hope you’re alive seeing this right now, I hope that that serial killer couldn’t put a hand on you and you just decided to leave me unannounced, I wish you the best, you always deserved the best, you don’t deserve a bastard like me who emotionally tormented you for years, I wish I could compensate you, and within my limits, I’m telling you, darling, to be okay, not for me nor for anyone but yourself, you deserve to believe in you own power and beauty, either you come to me or not, just be okay, but I promise you, that if you came back to me, I would never let you feel sad again, seeing your empty shoes by the door kills me. (This last phrase is just improvised by him he’s not writing this letter strongly profound as claimed but he’s sincere at some parts)”


Everyone couldn’t wait to interact with him and starting to already gather and volunteer with the husband to find Martha…


The tree leaves and branches were waving with the air blows and Martha underneath one of these trees was reading his post laughing hard, while unleashing Oxana who was facially-veiled after Martha kidnapped her, took her bracelet that had her name carved on, cut the gloves and put Oxana’s fingerprints on Kayla’s flesh, the fingerprints were taken from that lipstick Martha used before, as it originally belonged to Oxana the mistress that was caught with Freud having an affair at his office at one of these late nights he lied to her telling her that he was working late and now heading home… it was that night that two of his coworkers drove Martha to know the truth, the first coworker she called was one of Freud’s delinquents who used to cover for him, she called to inquire about her husband but this time he didn’t respond, Martha remembered that lady who meddled for them by a demand of Jacob “the family friend and Kayla’s husband” to get Freud into that position, she called her and asked about him, and she was informed that he’s having a lady guest at his office that might be working with them but unrecognizable to the maid that actually stays there until he leaves so she can clean. The maid was the one who told the truth to both ladies…


Martha couldn’t hold her grudge at him, she went there finding him doing what her nightmares always show her meanwhile sleeping… all that time she doubted herself and exerted efforts to make herself seen and admired by him gave nothing out of that summation.


She chose to take revenge in her way, she picked up the lipstick with a cloth, took it with her to home and stuck a tape to print the fingerprints on, and then later she started using it just to provoke the sleeping desire of Freud towards her, although she knows everything he attempted to lurk very well, she gave warning banners to him all that time despite she knew that her absence might mean nothing for him.

The sun rose the next day, a fisherman family in an isolated cottage in the nearby farm not quite furthered apart from the crime scene had his door knocked, and after an hour of hospitality and support they gave to Martha, the wounded victim as appeared, they called the cops to come and take her to interrogation and primarily to the hospital so she can get the cure she needs…

Freud couldn’t believe it, he rushed to the hospital to see her, but he was restricted until she gives her entire statement…


-         I hope you are ready to narrate exactly what happened to you ma’am… also informing you that you have the total right to refuse until you think it’s the appropriate time you detect…


= Me and Kayla were having good time outside, I remember, both of them wanted to be noticed by our men who have been giving nothing to us lately, all I remember is just two women lacking love and care compensating each other partially through spending few times of fun together…


-         And then what occurred later?


= we were drunk, but I was more sober than her, she asked me to join her walking by the calm streets, no doubts I was frightened because I was the one who felt more conscious, I couldn’t go deeper with her, and I pulled her back while she was hysterically laughing… I offered her to have a cab I call to drive her home, but she told me she will go by walk… so I walked her a little bit until the bus shelter and I was walking to my old flat…


Martha recollecting the real details in her head that were indeed as following “Kayla was a bit awake not as sober as Martha mentioned, she decided to go home before Martha, as Martha was still gathering the events and filling the gap slots in her brain to finish what she wants, In the middle of Kayla’s way to home, Martha sedated her and pulled her to the woods, not only this, she also mentioned a bus shelter than has no cameras around… she killed Kayla for being a cheater, since she became a hatred source towards anyone who breaks the loyalty with their partners and followed a psychopathic aspect of life… she hurt herself with the same weapon to look like a victim and it was “the penknife” that also was found later in Oxana’s bag who was framed to be the killer of these women… she took the penknife and plant in the belongings of Oxana that was sedated with a certain amount of medicine Martha gives to the victims, therefore, she could take revenge in a way that satisfies her…

Oxana woke up at her home, where she was kidnapped from, wearing good clothes and just covered with alcohol, Martha did this in order to make her feel like she did things when she was drunk… “


-         Can you please rethink the features of that killer?


= I heard a lady’s voice and I couldn’t see how she looks, she was covering her face with a piece of cloth…


-         Have you noticed anything special?


= I just heard her murmuring that I’m ruining her love life that could be better without me included…


-         How could you survive?


= I pretended I was dead, and she was gone already because of a car light coming on the highway…


-         I don’t need to remind you to turn to us in case there were more details you remembered and are able to mention… thanks for your time, lady, we wish you a quick recovery.


Martha walked out in the corridor with a nurse, she saw Freud sitting in the waiting room, and she stopped by the door, looking at him until he noticed and came in a hurry trying to hug her, but she withdrew…

Saying directly with an eye of a tiger: “Beg…”

“Excuse me?” he responded.


“As I said, BEG. Beg for my forgiveness, for everything you’ve done to me that I realized when I was there almost dying… what a waste of time I had with a crap like you, Freud. I fed your ego for too long and now I will not cultivate in a way that benefit you. Beg me, Freud, I dare your challenging character to listen to this command.” Martha said with a high chin and eyes full of nihilism.


Freud kneeled in front of Martha and the nurse, crying and grinding his teeth and slowly stuttering giving his apology as required.


She saw him humiliated exactly as she wanted… which drove her to think about his post, particularly about giving him another chance…

The nurse wondered about the reason Martha reacted like that to Freud seemingly before her eyes… and Martha just responded “he was cheating on me for a long time while I was thinking that there’s something wrong with me”


-         Excuse me, ma’am, can I ask you if you know that lady’s name who he had an affair with?


= How possibly this could be something helpful to you?


-         Ma’am, the forensics showcased a name that was on the bracelet that was found nearby Kayla’s body, it was…


= Oxana?


-         Exactly!


= I covered for him thinking it’s going to be temporary and he’s just bored of the long marriage, I thought I could fix it… but it ended up with me being a victim of his adultery with his Russian rooted coworker?


-         I have to report now, thank you, ma’am, you are a God gift to all women here… seems like that lady preys on family’s stability and aim to demolish it. You’re probably one of them.


In a short duration, Oxana and her apartment were checked and later proved guilty, labelled by the media and the civilians as the “serpent”…

Martha decided to make women as her targets for a long while, she felt envious that few of them were luckier than her, not all the victims were cheating, this time she wanted to make Oxana fill the gap and finish the story, as she was the lady who wanted to enter families, steal the men directly or indirectly and when she fails she kills. This time Martha tore up the paper that was including her sentence “Cheaters should always die” because she changed her philosophy… she chose to make Oxana switch places with her, so she can have a new life that she dreamt of, furthering herself from ambushes, sinister plans and crime committing, she looked at Freud, with a forgiving eye look, looked back at her old self and left with him… heading home.


She saw the shoes she had a stain over, and wiped it, she also burnt and deleted all the evidences of Kayla’s cheating on Jacob, she wanted to use it as a threat to blackmail her, but she became friendly unlikely and caused Martha to give her dead body of bad reputations that might harm her kid later.


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