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Theater, Chapter one: She's alive


“Regina, I know that your performance wasn’t that good before which doesn’t make a bit of a difference…”


Students giggled loudly causing

a statement of confusion on Regina’s face, correctly and instantly interrupted by the teacher who uttered those words following them by an apology to Regina and a strict disciplining tone to the students in order to silence them and ask them to act appropriately to their classmate.


He took Regina’s hands gently and asked her to follow him out of the classroom, following his previous passages with another saying: “I’m sorry again if I sounded harsh on you, but let me tell you that all of the teachers hub is on your side especially after your mother… passed away… we’re here to help you get through the exams and develop your performance… but you have to exert efforts too. To make your mother proud…” Mr. Jose finished his phrase feeling desperate in the silence of Regina staring into the void and breathing heavily…


“I wish this conversation was beneficial, Regina, but you’re leaving me no other choice, neither me nor other teachers, good luck with your proximate exams”

He said and went away back to the class… while Regina was looking from the fourth floor balcony at the few plants the school contributed and grew them, she wasn’t enjoying the breeze hitting at her face, she wasn’t enjoying the warm sunrays in the middle of the winter and she wasn’t even thinking about Mr. Jose’s wise sentences to her… she never believes any outer person’s intentions, either concerning or being kind… No one ever gave her the safe aura she can hide underneath, but on contrary, nothing is given out except hypocrisy, she claims.


She went home and changed her clothes, her aunts texted her multiple times to assure her about the appointment they only dealt over in which they take her to the theater, maybe in their perspective, she could achieve what she couldn’t in the past, being a ballet dancer, who lost her passion abruptly for an unknown reason… her mother was complicit in taking her to the theater when she was younger but as soon as she became good, she quitted, basing on all of this, her aunts are intending to give her back what she’s missing telling her to make her mother proud…


She had her lunch, eating the leftovers of her mother’s lasagna that remained in the fridge for a while since she died… and then she dressed up, putting a white ornamented soft dress, showing the bruises on her knees, and her bony shoulders that probably feel dead like the rest of her body as well as her soul.

Her aunt’s husband came to drive them all, taking piles of bags and bunch of people roasting each other and occupying the front and backseats…


The rains were pouring causing everyone’s chests to be dwelled with regret going out on that day and the car windows were closed for that reason making the crowds inside taking the majority of the oxygen and leaving less for Regina that had shortness of breath due to that… once they arrived, Regina put on her coat and went out of the car breathing deeply and getting wet by the rain drops, one of her aunties grabbed her hand strongly and forced her into the building…


The guards were eating her by their eyes, gazing up and down and seeing her chest and legs wet, likewise, her raven hair that spoke her interiors out… she couldn’t care less, she went inside to the lobby with her aunts sat on the chair whereas the adults were paying the tickets and signing their names, moreover, the chitchatting her two cousins were doing excluding her didn’t give her devastation but it filled her emptiness with unbearable noises letting no leg of her standing beside them… she walked to the door of the room leading to the theater that had a heater inside, stopped by its edge where was a young guard, quite older, but not quite old, he permitted her to sit randomly until her family members join, she went in…

Stayed by the window and saw her mother outside raising her hand and waving like a dove waving its broken wing right before falling… asking for the presence of her daughter as it’s her way of salvation…


The guard witnesses Regina running out rushing as she passed her family members at the receptionist’s office in order to meet her mom wildly after her death was claimed… her doubts in mortals are being slightly confirmed by destiny


“I always knew you are special, you’re not like the rest of them, you had your own visions just like your father, you knew that I’m not dead right? You knew they all lied to you?” Samira the mother, standing in her figure not mildly even a spectrum in front of Regina who nodded to her mother with wet eyes telling her “I miss you, the world is plain dark without you, I hate their laughs, and I hate how they look at me, every side-gaze, every insincere worry, all of them burn me, nothing as genuine as mother’s love, right, mother?”


Samira toucher her daughter’s wet arms and told her to hide this fact from everyone, the fact that she’s alive, “the fortune isn’t much, honey, but they always wanted to eradicate me, because, I always wanted to go against their will”

Samira said…


“What do you mean, mom? They…”


“Tried to kill me, yes, I told you, believe your doubts, their daughters aren’t as smart and beautiful as you, they never loved me or treat me as one of a sibling… I will come again, this short duration of meeting isn’t enough, you have to only believe me, and to succumb to my orders if I command you with one. You get me, my sweet daughter?” the mother wears her hoodie once Regina nods in shock and joy, going back all wet to her family members who saw her weirdly smile!


The guard was feeling extremely curious about her absence as he also spectated her having a weird conversation outside causing her angelic face to detain temporarily her demons and make her laugh… she remained the entire show quiet and patient seeing the masked actors showcasing messages she’s finally interested in, “the lands of the traitors”, she became immersed in those scenes men with suits were overpowering the poor uneducated human beings who are assumed to no longer be treated as ones, she saw the oppression in their eyes, and the superiority in the others’, she saw the loop repeating itself on earth being simulated perfectly on the platform, once being fogged by other thoughts of her mother’s sisters, sitting with their furry coats on the seats munching gums and jiggling their bracelets from time to another, being wealthy in their statement should be controversial, as this type of people can have access to good amount of money due to inheritance or to business possession, but they have no power at all, no authority except over the weak, they have no character unless it’s someone below them in any kind of aspect… but once they have debts, or a problem with the government, it’s almost difficult to escalate your escape opportunities.


“Enjoy, enjoy your few moments of entertainment before I just turn your lives into hellfire… I knew you hide your grudge in behind those filthy smiles you, serpents…”

Whispers Regina to herself, grinding her teeth and feeling nauseous, she ran to the bathroom as the guard ran after her and secretly entered, she vomited all the lasagna that was spoiled and still got devoured by  her for the fact that it’s her mother who prepared it, she left the bathroom, having double visions, feeling fragility and trembling at her extremities, looking at the mirror after rinsing her mouth, finding the guard looking at her, she gasped and then sighed wondering the presence of him by her inside the female bathroom…


“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left you unanswered, you just seemed mysterious for me, the moment you got out and stood in the rains…” Levine said before her interrupting him by a kiss, he couldn’t resist her, her thoughts, her smell, and her voice panting from being sick, committing adultery is way easier when two think of each other the same way, love will be their temporary label until reality shows otherwise.


Levine went back to duty catching his breath while Regina removed the last blood drops on her thigh looking at the mirror and laughing hysterically as if she achieved something important for herself, she looked with teary ears, almost red as the blood on the napkin he gave her, seeing her white sharp teeth turning into red, right before her mother comes out of another cell in the bathroom telling her that she’s proud causing her to have another sharp shock following her last praising with another sentence stating: “Expect my unannounced presence sometimes, I told you, you are special, and capable to do things no one can do… Now you became an adult... put this in your aunts coffee… have more thrills for today, it will just start soon”


Regina took a poison that causes diarrhea and used in all cups while she was passing by their seats, hiding the poison in her coat sleeve, until she reached her seat, smiling… insinuating a sooner and another communication moment with Levine, she awaited her aunts’ bodies to react to the poison and then started patting at them telling them the same happened with her too that’s why she was in the bathroom, they were partially surprised she’s concerned but were more focused on the results they’re encountering… Regina went to Levine and gave him the blood-stained napkin, while they both were smiling at each other, he took her to the archive to smoke, she tried smoking for her first time and asked if she can bring her photos from the archive and for the first time interested in seeing memories,


“You were a dancer here? I’m fascinated, you’re full of wonders, aren’t you?”

Levine said to her with beaming bright eyes while she was still searching in the history, she brought out a file that had her photos with her dad that was working in a circus, and photos of her on the stage when her hair was quite short compared to its recent case…


“I danced for three years, I barely have memories of my dad, I didn’t know he worked in a circus and I don’t know how that is linked to this theater!”

Regina said while whimpering all of sudden

“I never knew anything, no one allowed me to…”


She stood up fast, wiped her tears while she was in Levine’s arms and then cut off her crying and overcame the moment by taking her father’s photo… and turning to the door…


“Thanks for the cigarettes, it’s also my first time” Regina said hurrying to the door

But Levine blocked her way saying: “Aren’t you interested in receiving answers? For example, why is your dad showing up here in the photos?”

She withdrew from leaving preferring to listen as he started narrating the story of the mall having a circus primarily when it was newly constructed, until a period of time and it was closed, and that her dad was a very talented one, it’s just people who lost interest in those kinds of activities, also the mall capitalists having other priorities to enhance amongst the community, the reason why the past is the past and can’t be back.


“It’s also okay to cry, Regina… if nobody told you anything, welcome to my secret club where no one stays in except me and you, I can tell you the truth you want, or at least help you find it, the club has been abandoned for too long, because, you know? Nobody likes the truth”


“Help me avenge my mother…” Regina says with suspense filling her heart towards someone for the first time…


“In which way I can?” Levine says with worry

“Don’t worry I won’t ask you to kill for me” she said with a daring eye


“Even if…” he approached her, gave her the coat and told her “you have my number” he gestured inviting her out of the room before they get caught and she went to her aunts finding them all gathering to go back home due to solid case of sickness but she recommended them to be taken to the hospital by an ambulance instead because they can’t drive in that case, her suggestion was considered reasonable for them, they all went to take fluids in their bloods for losing a lot of liquids and claimed it’s the theater’s food and drinks, the situation escalated by reporting that case and analyzing the samples of their cups that showed that they were the only ones targeted and there’s no evidence of any substance inside the mall which actually led them to suspect each other, they started fighting over the fortune subject and coincidentally mentioned “Samira” that had the biggest part once from her husband’s death and the other share from her mother…


Regina started recording her aunts talking while boiling from anger for being deprived from her mother because of greedy aunts…


She went back home and called Levine


“They’re definitely wanting the death of my mother”


“What a good start for a phone call, joking before you hang up or get angry, who are you talking about? Your family?”


“Indeed, the ones who came with me, from my mom’s side… I just want to ask you out if you’re available”


“Alright, that’s a good thing, I’m in fact… I know a beautiful café. It’s green walled outside, and looks very vintage inside, has a tent with strip dim light as far as I remember too, we can sit under and drink something warm if you will”


“Can be, I will dress up now and hit you up soon when I arrive, send me the location, please.”


Levine sent Regina the location as she initiated dressing up like a tornado, looking at the melancholic-looking ceilings hearing her neighbor beating her children for not doing the homework, she smiled at her mother’s photo frame and went outdoors… carrying a bucket over her head instead of an umbrella for that she doesn’t have one, she arrived putting the bucket down awkwardly by the door of the café looking at Levine while he’s holding his laugh…


“Don’t get me wrong, you look gorgeous, but the bucket!”


“I don’t have an umbrella, there are variable solutions in case stereotypical people think the opposite”


He cleaned his throat and apologized and then asked her if she wants to drink something, she didn’t know what her favorite drink is until he ordered for her, and then she started regaining her senses weirdly as she never expected…


“I want to dig my mother’s grave”


“Wait! What? Your mother is dead?”


“Look, it’s complicated, they tried to kill her and I think she’s alive, she’s surely alive, I met her outside the mall, remember? When you saw me running out…”


“I do remember that, I don’t remember seeing exactly who you were accompanying, so this was your mother?”


“Exactly! But something feels wrong, everything went legal, and I saw her coffin going down the grave… my only assurance is that I dig the grave out”


“Impossible! Well, I’m very risky but not to this limit, this is a crime…”


“Entering the archive and opening its drawers is a crime, making love with an underage girl like me is a crime, who cares about their standards anyways?”


“But how will we manage the decomposition!? This is very dangerous and can transmit diseases to us”


“Don’t worry, I brought gloves and masks from home”


“You aren’t joking, young lady, alright, when do you want that to happen?”




“I see your enthusiasm but we just came here”


“Yes, and the drinks are tasty, now let’s go…”


“I bet your mom was bossy”


“She wasn’t, it was my dad I suppose”


“I don’t think so, he had a reputation of being kind and humble”


“Well, being kind doesn’t mean he can’t be bossy, and what they show outdoors is different from the indoors, so yes, maybe he was.”


“You have a good state of critical thinking, anyways, slowdown, let us take the bucket and order a cab”


They both stopped as their bodies were shivering from what’s coming next, and they decided to head away to the cemetery

Where souls long for living the same life we’re complaining about on daily basis, where they hide tons of secrets and screams that no one can hear but only those who feel, who have transparency and intense visual senses…

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